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05-21-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-21-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 21, 1996 7 <br />D. Case No. CPA/96-16 Resolution approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment establishing <br />goals, policies and objectives for AOP (Agricultural/Open Space) <br />The Council received a copy of a staff report prepared by City Planner Terwedo, the Comp. Plan Amendment, a <br />resolution, copies of the May 13 Planning Commission minutes, and written comments from Planning <br />Commission Chair Jim McLeod, Mayor John, Council Member Conlin, Brian Herzfeld, Robert Engstrom, and Judy <br />Screaton. City Planner Terwedo advised the Council that the Lake Elmo Planning Commission held a public <br />hearing on May 8 and continued to May 13 where they recommended the City Council adopt the Comp. Plan <br />Amendment as amended. City Planner Terwedo explained discussion and amendments by the Planning <br />Commission and that the density issue was discussed at length. City Planner Terwedo explained that she has <br />been working with the Met. Council staff on this amendment and they have been very supportive and helpful. <br />The Council thanked the City Planner, staff, and Planning Commission for all their hard work, and thanked <br />Council member Karen Johnston for her attendance and work, as Council liaison. <br />The Council discussed outlots - that they not be created, what is purpose of cluster concept, and that the different <br />density zones be labeled as the City does now, i.e., OP-1, OP-2, etc. The Council discussed densities and <br />density bonuses. Attorney Filla advised the Council that the base density should allow at least what property <br />owners have now by their current zoning, but probably quite a bit more because we are asking for a 50% open <br />space. Compare the Ag., RR, and R1 densities which people currently have to what they will end up with, such <br />as Ag. property can go from 4 units per 40 to at least 10 per 40, so people are being compensated for the open <br />space. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Del-app - to amend policy 12 and 14 of the Comp. Plan Amend, to reflect a common base density will <br />be applied on all Open Space Development areas. Additional densities would be provided in recognition of <br />development proposals which aim to preserve historical structures, provide for public trails/foot paths, and other <br />amenities deemed desirable. The density shall not be less than 6 units per 20 acres nor more than 10 units per <br />20 with density bonuses. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to advise staff to update any maps or figures or tables affected by the amendments made <br />to the Comp. Plan tonight. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to adopt resolution 96-11 adding text and amending the future land use map of the <br />1990 Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan relating to Agriculture/Open Space. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />E. Case No. ZAT/96-17 Zoning Ordinance adopting Agricultural/Open Space (AOP) zoning district <br />The Council received copies of the AOP ordinance and minutes of the May 13 Planning Commission meeting. <br />City Planner Terwedo advised the council that the Planning Commission held a public hearing on May 8 and <br />continued to May 13 where they recommended the City Council adopt the Agricultural/Open Space Development <br />Ordinance as amended. City Planner Terwedo reviewed her staff report which outlined the amendments <br />suggested by the commission, and recommended a couple more changes. <br />M/S/ DeLapp/Johnston - to adopt Ordinance 8135 establishing and regulating the use of property located within <br />the Agricultural/Open Space Preservation District, subject to approval by Met. Council of the Comp. Plan <br />changes. <br />The Council struggled with the issue of how to figure a density bonus for preserving historic structures. Jack <br />Buxell suggested the density bonus over 6 units per 20 as follows:. 2 units per 20 for clustering, 1 unit per 20 for <br />pathways, 1 unit per 20 for perhaps aerobic septic systems, and 1 unit per every 2500 sq.ft. of historic structures <br />preserved. <br />The Council discussed amendments to several pages of the ordinance. City Attorney Filla suggested the <br />l ordinance be tabled to the next meeting for council to see the final draft, because the density section needs some <br />significant re -writing to agree with the amendment made tonight to the Comp. Plan's density section. <br />
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