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06-04-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-04-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 4, 1996 <br />Mayor John called the Council meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Council chambers. PRESENT: Hunt, <br />Conlin, John, Johnston, DeLapp (arrived at 8:05 p.m.), City Engineer Bohrer, City Attorney Filla, City <br />Planner Terwedo and Administrator Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA <br />ADD: 4A. Public Inquiries, B. Request for antennas, C. Clean-up Day, 7E. Handout from Weiser <br />Concrete, Landfill, 6C. Request from resident on Olson Lake Trail. MOVE 4A to 6D. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - to approve the June 4, 1996 City Council agenda as amended. (Motion passed <br />4-0). <br />2. MINUTES: May 21, 1996 <br />M/S/P Johnston/Hunt - to approve the May 21, 1996 City Council minutes as amended. (Motion passed <br />4-0). <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to approve the June 4, 1996 Claims #4782 through #4822, as presented <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />The City received a letter from Dick Travis, Rehbein Excay., stating the rains and other delays beyond <br />their control have created a major conflict in finishing the Washington County Landfill Final Closure <br />project on schedule. This schedule conflict results in a financial burden, therefore, they requested <br />working Saturday hours and extended weekday hours. <br />Dick Johnson, 8896 Lake Jane Trail, brought up his concern on the loud noise of the backup horn on the <br />machinery working on the landfill that can be heard for miles, and he talked to the Project Coordinator, <br />Dick Travis, and asked what his operating hours were on his permit. Mr. Travis told him to mind his own <br />business, and he had checked with the City Council to get approval to operate after hours. Mr. Johnson <br />felt he was being threatened because of their attitude and demeanor toward him. He asked the Council to <br />rescind the extension of extra operating hours and when a contractor is doing work in the City, the <br />decision should be made by the City Council and not the City Administrator to extend their times of <br />operation because of the impact on the neighborhoods. Also a method should be developed of <br />notification to residents of hours of operation. Johnson requested a fence to prevent children wandering <br />onto the site, and there is trash and papers flying around and off the site and the contractor is not making <br />any effort to cover up the garbage with clean fill. Rehbein Excay. has violated their permit by extending <br />their operating hours without City permission and should be ticketed. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to direct the staff to investigate the information brought before the Council by Dick <br />Johnson and send a letter to Rehbein Excay. explaining the City's concerns and ask for correction of <br />problems and get in telephone contact with MPCA. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to direct the City Administrator to inform Rehbein Excay. that the City will not be <br />extending the permit for extended hours based upon the complaints received from the public. This motion <br />deals with request before them. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Jim McLeod, 2543 Lake Elmo Avenue N., commented on the comp plan amendment and the Council <br />changing the formulation for densities. Most developers will come in with 9 per 20. The Planning <br />Commission's ceiling became the Council's floor. The public was in favor of 6 per 20 or less and was <br />voted on unanimously by Planning Commission. <br />
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