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06-04-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-04-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 4, 1996 <br />Todd Williams, 3026 Lake Elmo Avenue N., asked the Council to exercise courage in their density and <br />bonus plans. He doesn't believe developers' claim that limiting density will make developing <br />uneconomical. If you want pathways, just require it. The Council's action on density, and housing types <br />indicate you listened, but you acted on developer's requests, Williams urged the Council to listen to the <br />voters before its makes decisions and not the landowners or developers. The Planning Commission <br />have spoken against these high densities. The Council has not given any reason for overrunning the <br />Planning Commission's recommendation. <br />Councilman Hunt suggested the City proceed with a City-wide survey as suggested by Councilman <br />DeLapp as to what the voters want. <br />B. Requests for antennas to be placed in the City <br />Request for antenna to placed on the City Water Tower: <br />An amendment to the agreement with SBA, Inc. for an antenna to be placed on the City's water tower <br />was delivered to the City this evening for review. Rent is $6,000 a year for 5 years with up to four-5 year <br />options. The City should look at this as a 25 year agreement. A site plan needs to be submitted to Larry <br />Bohrer. Dale Howey, SBA, will put the agreement into a final form for Council authorization. <br />Request for antenna to be placed on the Cimarron Water Tower: <br />Merle Kimberling informed the Council they are requesting an antenna to be placed on the Cimarron <br />water tower. <br />M/S/P HunUDeLapp - to table the discussion of this request until the June 18, 1996 Council meeting for <br />background information. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Request for a free-standing antenna to be placed in Pebble Park: <br />Julie Kipke requested a free standing 80-85' Sprint antenna structure in Pebble Park. The Parks <br />Commission will make a recommendation after their park walk-through. The Council asked why the <br />proximity is so close to the other antennas. Dale Howey will look into clarification of the radius. <br />Placement of antennas in the City will be reviewed by the Planner and discussed by the Planning <br />Commission. <br />M/S/P HunUDeLapp - to postpone consideration of this request until the June 18, 1996 Council meeting, <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Clean -Up Day <br />Clean -Up Day is scheduled for June 22, 1996, 8 a.m. until Noon, at the parking lot of the Baptist Church <br />with a $10 charge and appliances are limited to one at no charge. Additional appliances will be charged <br />as follows: $15 for air conditioners, $10 per unit for any other type of appliance. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA <br />A. Resignation of Fran Pott from Maintenance Advisory Committee <br />The City received a copy of Fran Pott's resignation from the Maintenance Advisory Committee. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to accept the resignation of Fran Pott from the Maintenance Advisory Committee, <br />to direct the staff to send Mr. Pott a letter of appreciation and advertise the vacancy in the next <br />newsletter. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />
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