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Don Jordan stated that the grading needs to be done in a timely manner. Perhaps as <br />soon as early 1997. <br />Ann Terwedo stated that a gradinglexcavating permit would need to be issued and <br />reviewed by our engineer and a process would need to be followed. <br />Mary Kueffner wants the city engineer to comment on the feasiblity of this plan working <br />at full development. <br />The group discussed a bullet point review needs to be prepared as to what was <br />discussed and the city council should respond to the workshop. <br />Lee Hunt felt that the neighbors should be notified, when appropriate. <br />3M/Imation will, in a timely fashion, schedule further meetings. <br />Ajoint powers agreement should be drafted between the two communities which would <br />define the project and the water issues which will be addressed as part of the future of <br />the Imation/3M land in Oakdale and Lake Elmo. <br />Wyn John'supports a meeting with LE/ 3M/imation/Oakdale. <br />Wyn John closed the meeting at 7:00 PM. <br />Respectfully submitted, Cynthia Young - Recording Secretary <br />