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Three concept land use alternatives were presented for the 120 acres of 3M land on <br />the north side of Highway 5. These included: <br />1. A cluster, business park option 30% impervious <br />2. A residential open space option <br />3. A standard 6 per 20 residential subdivision <br />All options incorporated ponding areas for the run-off from 3M land in Oakdale. <br />Mary Kueffner questioned if a sewer extension would be feasible for the business park <br />option. <br />Steve DeLapp questioned the ponding issue and its impacts on Lake Elmo; <br />volume/rate of run-off; the rate of run-off cannot increase over time. <br />Karen Johnston questioned where the water in the ponds would come from and asked <br />for information on ponding planned for 3M land in Oakdale. <br />Don Jordan stated that the majority would come from the 3M land north of the Imation <br />property. Imation may or may not become part of an overall plan. <br />Lee Hunt questioned the water quality issue related to the water entering Lake Elmo. <br />Mayor John recognized 3m/Imation was requesting of a "current" council and when they <br />ask for a grading permit later, things could change. <br />Don Jordan responded by stating that water quality is important to both Oakdale and <br />Lake Elmo. <br />Sue Dunn mentioned the Olson Lake Estate problem and its impacts on Lake Elmo. <br />Karen Johnston asked when the grading on the Imation site would need to be <br />completed. <br />The group discussed the outlet pond on the property. The group discussed volume <br />and rate issues related to water. The volume of run-off in Lake Elmo cannot increase <br />more that 10%. <br />Wyn John stated that he believes Oakdale will benefit by the taxes generated by the <br />Imation project and Lake Elmo would benefit by having wetlands. <br />Lee Hunt complimented the presentation of the three scenarios. Would like to see <br />buffering from adjacent land uses. <br />Rita Conlin questioned the size of the holding ponds on the 3M land in Lake Elmo. <br />What are the real future land uses? She feels that the zoning should reflect the future <br />land uses. <br />