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10-01-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-01-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 1996 <br />Mr. Continenza voiced concern on Condition #1 that the driveway in the rear yard be removed. He needs <br />the driveway so he can use the doors on both ends of the garage so he doesn't have to shuffle vehicles <br />around. Since the driveway already exists, there is nothing in code prevents double door garage. <br />Elmer Dittman, 3624 Layton Avenue N., stated the driveway right next door to him goes from the street to <br />the alley, why can't he have it? <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to approve Case No. W96-36 the variance request by Steve Continenza based on <br />the Findings of Fact Items 1-5 in the City Planner's report with the hardship found in Items 1, 2, 3; <br />including a condition of approval that the existing garage be removed 60 days after the building permit is <br />Issued and because of the large amount of impervious surface there will be no further formal accessory <br />buildings with approval of this variance. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Modifications to expansion plans to Lake Elmo Inn, 3442 Lake Elmo Avenue. Applicant: John <br />Schiftz <br />The City approved a site and plan review and variances for expansion of the Lake Elmo Inn at their <br />February 6,1996 meeting. Since that meeting, the owner of the Inn has worked with a new architect and <br />has prepared modifications to the plan. The site plan indicates there will be an additional 200 sq.ft. area <br />added to the kitchen. The setback from the property line is still more than the approved variance for a <br />side yard setback (10 ft. approved where 50 ft. is required). The front entryway will be recessed so the <br />entrance to the building will be directly into the addition rather than where the existing building is located. <br />The second story windows will be eliminated since it will be a one-story building. The roof lines will match <br />the existing house and Inn. <br />City Planner Terwedo recommended approval of the modifications since they do not require additional <br />variances and the overall plan has not greatly changed. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to approve the modifications to the plan for the Lake Elmo Inn as presented at this <br />meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Council member DeLapp asked if the parking area has been taken care of. Administrator Kueffner <br />responded it has not been resolved. Mr. Schiftz purchased a house which he offered to tear down and <br />use for off-street parking. The staff asked John Schiltz to wait on this until we get the Old Village study <br />done because we didn't think a parking lot on the main street through Lake ELmo would be desirable. <br />C. Modifications to expansion plans for home at 10899 32nd Street. Applicant: Mike Downs <br />Planner Terwedo explained staff was led to believe Mike Downs was expanding the home and adding an <br />attached garage. After approval of the variances, the applicant did tear down the home to its foundation <br />and no longer intended to take the garage down. A building permit has been submitted to the City which <br />proposes the existing home not have an attached garage and the existing garage remain. This went <br />beyond what the Council had approved. <br />Attorney Dave Snyder submitted exchanges he felt was relevant to the issue when he reviewed the <br />videotape of the council meeting. Mr. Snyder stated it was Mr. Downs understanding that he could level <br />the first level of the house if it was proven to be necessary. Downs was not clear as he should have been <br />in his application. <br />Since Mr. Downs building plans were changing as he spoke and there was a substantial modification from <br />the last application which was approved by the Council, Attorney Filla requested that a detailed plan <br />should be submitted by the applicant showing exactly what his intentions are with dates for renovation <br />completion or he has the option of proceeding under the permit as approved. <br />
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