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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 1, 1996 5 <br />The Meehan Family voiced concerns that common sense dictates there is no need for a fence unless <br />livestock is introduced because there is a beautiful boundary now, environmental impact of raising <br />livestock affecting the waterway which goes toward Eagle Point Lake, and the liability of barb wire <br />causing harm to snowmobilers. Mr. Meehan received a letter from Mr. Armstrong stating that they were to <br />clear cut 5' from either side of the fence. The Council's position is that clear cutting is not required and <br />this was not a direction by the City Council as fence viewers. Mike Black commented that the state law <br />talks about different options for a fence in this situation and his company would like a combination of <br />fencing other than a harsh agricultural fence. <br />The State law does not provide the City Council the latitude to rule against the fence, but only gives them <br />the option of what type of fence will be built. The Council did not take any action on the request for <br />reconsideration of the fence between Torre Pines and the Armstrong Property. <br />F. Concept Plan - Robert White property located on the Southwest corner of Highway 36 and Keats <br />Avenue <br />Planner Terwedo reported Bob White is proposing eleven new single family homes and one existing <br />home on 50 acres where 36 acres are preserved as open space and 14 acres are designated for <br />development. The site includes a mature woodland on its west side, a state protected wetland in the <br />southwest. A conservation easement for the open space will be donated to the Minnesota Land Trust for <br />preservation. <br />Mr. White explained he bought this property primarily to live on and enjoy it as it is now. Under the <br />current design the existing home rests on a nine acre "L" shaped parcel and does not intend on adding <br />homes to those nine acres <br />Mayor John and Council member Conlin wanted the developer to consider the installation of trailways. <br />Mayor John wanted the plan amended to include trails which connected the homes to the woods to the <br />east. <br />The council received a statement from John and Lisa Burban, 9612 57th Street, supporting the Village <br />Green Concept Plan presented by Bob White and strongly urged the Council to vote in favor of this plan. <br />Eileen Engsdorf, 9960 57th St., expressed concern about the new developments proximity to her <br />property and wondered If the City had setback requirements that prohibited the new houses from <br />encroaching on her land. Asked if a visual inspection is done if the development does indeed enhance the <br />rural character. <br />Planner Terwedo encourages the Council and the Planning Commission to visit the site so they can get a <br />better feel of how the land is laid out. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to refer to the Planning Commission to consider setbacks both for the lot itself and <br />boundary within the Open Space Development Plan from adjacent properties. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to approve Bob White's concept plan as presented. (Motion passed 3-2:Conlin, <br />John:He would like to see more access from those property owners in the cluster area into the wooded <br />area and around lake). <br />G. Rezoning from Ag to OP: Robert White <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to adopt Ordinance No. 8144, An ordinance amending Section 301.070C. Zoning <br />District Map of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code approving the rezoning requested by Robert White from <br />AG to OP. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />