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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 3 <br />E. Highway 5 Snowmobile Fences <br />At the January 7th Council meeting this item was tabled in order for the City Administrator to put <br />together information to formally submit a permit to MN/DOT for the orange fencing installed by <br />Washington County to control snowmobiles. The City Attorney and the League (insurance) have <br />looked at the permit and have concern about liability issues. There is no record at City Hall of the <br />City designating the trail as a "City Snowmobile Trail", but someone received permission to do <br />this posting. If the trail is specifically designated as a "City Trail", there is some indemnification to <br />the City for damages if someone should hit the fence. There appears to be an agreement <br />between the North Star Snowmobile Club and the State of Minnesota or Washington County. <br />Administrator Kueff nor will continue to investigate and report back at a future meeting. <br />F. Replacement Pumper for Fire Department <br />Mayor John, as liaison to the Fire Department met with the Fire Dept. on Saturday, spoke on <br />behalf of the Fire Department asked the Council to consider purchasing a new pumper truck to <br />replace an existing pumper (28 years old). Mayor John gave reasons for replacement and usage <br />figures were given. The old truck is obsolete and suffering from internal body rot. Chief Sachs <br />estimates the value of the pumper between $5,000-$10,000 and has been on the CIP for a <br />number of years. A 1997 demonstration model, which could be built to Lake Elmo's <br />specif!cations, could be available in eight months. The new pumper is expected to cost between <br />$200,000 and $250,000. In response to Council member Conlin's question, if a demo model <br />would come with unnecessary costly features, John said a demo pumper would have only the <br />features Lake Elmo requests. The Council has been Invited to the Fire Hall to review the old <br />pumper, <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Conlin - that the City Administrator work with the Fire Dept, to prepare a Request <br />for Proposal for a new pumper truck. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />G. Boundary changes for ISD #834 <br />Councilman DeLapp pointed out the proposed changes of the boundary lines for the Lake Elmo <br />Elementary School. Most of the people in Lake Elmo North of Highway 5 will be transferred from <br />Lake Elmo Elementary School to a new school in Stillwater along Highway 12 and Manning <br />Avenue. DeLapp felt that dividing children from one community among this many schools is <br />unnecessary and felt Lake Elmo could be getting a better deal than it presently receives from <br />District #834. You only need 6,000 people to supply a school which is what we have in Lake <br />Elmo. Mayor John thought if Woodbury has too many students, this is a Woodbury problem and <br />not a Lake Elmo problem. He did not want to ship other children from other communities into our <br />school when we're shipping our children to other locations. Council member Conlin asked how <br />does this add to the learners of Lake Elmo and suggest the school board come back with some <br />adequate answers. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John - to direct the staff to send the Council's comments and concerns which <br />were incorporated by Mayor John and given to the City Administrator to be sent in a letter to the <br />Boundary Committee formed by the ISD #834 Board of Education. (Motion passed 3-1:Conlin:this <br />is the first she has heard about the issue and is not well informed as she would like to be and not <br />sure the City isn't overstepping the Boundary Committee). <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />