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01-21-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-21-97 CCM
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( <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 4 <br />6. <br />A. Ordinance No. 8151 amending Section 700 of Lake Elmo Municipal Code <br />Attorney Fills reported the modifications to the septic system regulations are necessary for the <br />Open Space Developments as they are being reviewed and one section on septic maintenance <br />was inadvertently left out. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Conlin - to adopt Ordinance No. 8151, An Ordinance Relating to Individual and <br />Community Sewer Systems . (Motion passed 4-0). <br />7. PARKS/MAINTENANCE/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Year-end update: Jim McNamara, Building Official <br />Jim McNamara, Building Official, provided a year-end (1996) report of building permit usage. <br />B. Update on ICBO Evaluation Services Committee Action (Jim McNamara) <br />Jim McNamara gave a brief update on the ICBO Evaluation Services Committee meeting he <br />recently attended in Los Angeles, California. <br />8. PLANNING LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Clarification on Lakewood Evangelical Free Church Proposal <br />On December 17, 1996 the Council denied a proposal to amend the Comprehensive Plan for <br />Lakewood Evangelical Church for a 108 acre parcel of land on the SE corner of Highway 36 and <br />Keats Avenue. This amendment would change the Future Land Use Map from (OP) Open <br />Space Development Area to (P) Public. The reason for denial was the proposal was inconsistent <br />with the purpose and intent of the open space development ordinance. The Church then <br />withdrew their application for rezoning. <br />The Council received a letter from John Bannigan, representing Lakewood Church, requesting <br />that the City consider a new proposal. Planner Terwedo reported the Church is proposing to <br />change the Comprehensive Plan for 29 acres instead of the entire 108 acre parcel. Another 29 <br />acres along the Highway 36 corridor would be placed in a conservation easement to a qualified <br />land trust and the remaining 50 acres would remain as an open space development area. <br />Councilor Conlin stated in 1996 the City has worked hard on developing the Open Space District <br />which is on a leading edge of preserving open space. She felt there were good standards set <br />and these development plans were not consistent with the vision of the Open Space District for <br />the community and was not willing to deviate from those standards in the Comprehensive Plan. <br />Mayor John and the remainder of the Council endorsed Councilor Conlin's comments. Council <br />members Conlin and Delapp voiced the concern if the property were rezoned from its current Ag <br />use to the required public facilities designation, a second comprehensive plan amendment would <br />be needed were the property ever resold to a buyer with a non-public use in mind. Planner <br />Terwedo stated public facilities use was simply not put in the open space district regulations, <br />cluster housing and open space was. <br />The Council's difficulty in this decision was defined by its classification of churches as public <br />facilities. According to Attorney Fills, unlike a housing development which could be built on the <br />site under its current zoning designation, churches are lumped together with other public <br />structures like maintenance facilities and prisons. Unless the Council makes special <br />arrangements for this project, such a comprehensive plan amendment or rewrote an entire <br />section of the City's zoning code, Fills said it would be legally unable to approve Lakewood's <br />requests. Cities cannot attach conditions they want to these requests. <br />
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