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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 7 <br />unsuitabe another should be chosen. The Council, except for DeLapp and Hunt who was not in <br />attendance, indicated the date was not acceptable. <br />C. League of Minnesota Cities 1997 City Polices <br />The Council received the League of Minnesota Cities' 1997 City Policies for Legislative and <br />Administrative Action. One particular issue the Council was interested in, (See Page 11-Growth <br />Management and Annexation) the League recommends to facilitate the annexation of urban land <br />to cities by amending state statutes regulating annexation to make it easier for cities to annex <br />developed or developing land within unincorporated areas. <br />M/S/P John/Conlin - to invite the State Senator and Representative to a workshop so we can <br />discuss issues with them that are of a concern to the City. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Set Date for Workshop with City Attorney <br />Legal costs of the City were brought up at the January 7th organizational meeting. Attorney Filla <br />would like to set up a workshop with the Council to go over the procedures for both civil and <br />criminal prosecutions and to discuss options to possibly reduce costs. <br />Administrator Kueffner will set up a date for a workshop depending upon the State Senator, <br />Representative and Attorney Filla's schedule. <br />The Council adjourned the regular session at 10:15 and convened the Executive Session to <br />discuss the RLK litigation. <br />----------------------- <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy City Clerk <br />Ordinance No. 8151 Amending Section 700 relating to Individual and Community Sewer,Systems <br />Ordinance No. 8152 Development Moratorium on the Placement, Construction, and Modification <br />of Wireless Telecommunication Facilities <br />