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l <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCiL MINUTES JANUARY 21, 1997 6 <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp - to approve Case No. W97-1 a variance request to front yard setback <br />requirement of 100 feet where 90.2 feet is proposed from Marc Cunningham, 605 Julep Court N., <br />based on the Findings stated in the City Planner's report and the adjacent property owners had <br />no objection. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Ordinance No. 8152, Receiving recommendation and declaring moratorium on <br />communication towers <br />City Planner Terwedo reported the Planning Commission held a public hearing regarding the <br />ordinance placing a moratorium on communication towers at their January 13, 1997 meeting. <br />Representatives from Sprint, Nexell, and APT were in attendance at this meeting. The <br />Commission recommended that the City adopt the ordinance relating to a Development <br />Moratorium on the placement, construction, and modification of wireless telecommunication <br />facilities with the additional language which would include a waiver. <br />Anna Marie Soldberg, SBA, stated Sprint Spectrum has been working with Lake Elmo for the <br />past year and felt the one year term of the moratorium is excessive and would be happy to help <br />submit any information. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to adopt Ordinance No. 8152, as amended, An Ordinance Relating to a <br />Development Moratorium on the Placement, Construction, and Modification of Wireless <br />Telecommunication Facilities and not accept the recommendation from the Planning Commission <br />to allow Waivers because it would open the City up to numerous applications to install towers on <br />property before the City has all the information needed to make a decision. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />E. Planning Update <br />Planner Terwedo provided a current update of applications being processed, applications <br />expected to be submitted and ordinance development. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: (Postpone until end of meeting and call Executive Session to <br />discuss RLK litigation.) <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: None <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Sandcreek Agreement Renewal <br />Administrator Kueffner reported last year to comply with the Federal Regulations on Drug Testing <br />of Heavy Equipment Operators, Truck Drivers, etc, the City entered into an agreement with <br />Sandcreek. Sandcreek provides this drug testing through a pool, but also offered an Employee <br />Assistance Program for $750. The Council concluded that having an EAP was a benefit to the <br />City employees. There is no increase in cost for this service and consideration for this service <br />was included in the budget. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to approve renewal of the EAP contract with Sandcreek Group as <br />presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Schedule Board of Review - Informational <br />The City received a notice from Scott Hovet, Washington County Assessor, setting April 10, 1997 <br />for the Board of Review in Lake Elmo. The City Administrator emphasized that it is important <br />that as many of the Council possible should attend. A. quorum is a necessity and if the date is <br />