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02-18-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-18-97 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNGi� MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1997 <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Proposed Traffic Signal at CSAH 13 (Ideal Avenue) and TH. 5 (INFORMATIONAL) <br />City Engineer Tom Prow provided a review on the Signal Justification Report for the proposed <br />installation of traffic signals at the intersection of Ideal Avenue and TH.5. The report concludes <br />that with existing conditions at that Intersection signals are justified, although the warrants for that <br />signal are very borderline. As the Imation Business Park grows in size, both signals and turn <br />lanes will become more warranted. Lake Elmo will not be asked to share in the cost because <br />none of the roads at that Intersection are under our jurisdiction. Prew was not sure if <br />Washington County will participate in the cost either since improvements at that intersection do <br />not even appear on their capitol Improvements Plan. It appears that Imation is planning to <br />construct these improvements this summer. <br />7. PARKSIMAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT: None <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Case No. ZAM/97-6 Rezone from RR to OP: Herzfeld Property (Continued from 2-4-97) <br />This rezoning, with the consent of the applicant, was continued from the February 4, 1997 City <br />Council meeting. The request is to rezone a 100 acre parcel of land from Rural Residential to <br />Open Space Development District. This parcel of land has been identified on the Future Land <br />Use Map as an open space development area. At its January 27,1997 meeting, the Planning <br />Commission recommended approval of the rezoning. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Dunn - to adopt Ordinance No. 8153, An Ordinance amending Section 301.070 C <br />"Zoning District Map" of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code changing the land use designation from <br />Rural Residential to Open Space Development Area, Case No. ZAM/97-6 based on the findings <br />listed in the City Planner's report dated February 18, 1997. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Case No. ZAW97-10 Rezone from RR to Ag: Applicant: Elzabeth Miner; Property located <br />at the NW corner of 10th St. and Cty Rd. 19 <br />Elzabeth Miner is requesting to rezone a 45 acre parcel from Rural Residential to Agricultural to <br />allow a stable business for the boarding and training of horses. The property is generally located <br />on the Northwest corner of 10th Street and County Road 19. There is one wetland on the site <br />and will need to be delineated as part of this proposal. The proposal meets the goals for <br />agricultural uses in the Comprehensive Plan. At its February 10, 1997 meeting, the Planning <br />Commission recommended approval conditional upon an amendment to the Future Land Use <br />Map of the City's Comprehensive Plan changing the designation of this parcel from OP to RAD <br />from the Metropolitan Council. The applicant requested that approval of the rezoning be <br />contingent upon them receiving their Conditional Use Permit. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn - to adopt Ordinance No. 8154, An Ordinance amending Section 301.070 C <br />"Zoning District Map" of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code; conditional upon an amendment to the <br />Future Land Use Map of the City's Comprehensive Plan changing the designation of this parcel <br />from OP to RAD and the Metropolitan Council approval based on the Findings of Fact stated in <br />the City Planner's Report dated February 18, 1997 and recommendation for approval by the <br />Planning Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />
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