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02-18-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-18-97 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNGi� MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1997 <br />C. Case No. CUP/97-12 C.U.P. for Horse Stable; Applicant: Elzabeth Miner <br />Elzabeth Miner is requesting a Conditional Use Permit for a business for the boarding and <br />stabling of horses. At its February 10, 1997 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended <br />approval of the C.U.P. with amendments to the conditions. The Council reviewed the draft C.U.P. <br />and made changes to the conditions. <br />M/S/P HunUDunn - to adopt Resolution No. 97-5, as amended, granting a Conditional Use Permit <br />to Elzabeth Miner, Arbor Hill Farm, for the operation of a horse stable and an equestrian boarding <br />and training center conditioned upon the city and the applicant executing an agreement to <br />provide the city with an easement across the back part of the property giving access from E to W <br />of the property and approval of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan based on the Findings <br />listed in the City Planner's report dated February 18, 1997. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out that the Planning Commission decided there was no need for <br />a minor subdivision. Therefore, the applicant at the Planning Commission meeting formally <br />withdrew the application for a Minor Subdivision. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Dunn - to approve the Planning Commission's recommendation acknowledging the <br />fact that there is no reason for Elzabeth Miner to apply for a minor subdivision and the applicant <br />withdrew her application. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Case No. SUB/97-9 Preliminary Plat & Plan, The Homestead; Applicant:Jack Buxell <br />City Planner Tenvedo explained Jack Buxell is requesting preliminary plat and plan approval of <br />19 units ranging in size from .75 to 1 acre lots on a 20 acre parcel located at 1381 Lake Elmo <br />Avenue N.. The project is proposed to be completed in one stage. <br />Jack Buxell presented the preliminary plat for The Homestead and reported on the drainage, <br />private open space uses and Land Trust easements, pathway system and the possibility of the <br />homeowner's association putting a tree farm and use part of the parkland. Buxell asked for an <br />18' road around the perimeter which allows parking on one side and that "no parking" signs not <br />be put on the road. <br />Mark Beattie, 3M Real Estate Dept., submitted a letter indicating the 3M Engineering Department <br />reviewed the proposed plan and has found that two primary changes must be made - The <br />Homestead Pond 1 cannot drain directly onto 3M property or into 3M Pond B-2, but must either <br />be revised to accommodate all drainage on site or drain into The Homestead Pond 2; and the <br />culvert from The Homestead Pond 2 onto 3M property must be relocated to the east to drain <br />directly into 3M Pond A at a rate not to exceed the present rate. They have reached an <br />agreement with the Developers to the above changes and conditions for drainage onto 3M <br />property. <br />Attorney Filla has reviewed the Association By -Laws and Declarations, but has a concern on <br />more definition of the relationship between the City and the Association in terms of maintenance, <br />and has not seen the language the Land Trust is proposing. The City reserves the right to <br />determine the designation of the various open space categories and have those Issues resolved <br />before the City starts final approval stage. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to approve Case No. SUB/97-9, A Preliminary Plat and Plan, "The <br />Homestead" and direct the staff to prepare a development agreement in accordance with the <br />conditions of approval 1-8 provided by the City Planner and amended at this meeting, the 3 <br />additional conditions of approval from the Planning Commission and additional condition of the <br />City Attorney's that all documentation for easements, declarations, association by-laws, <br />
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