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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNL MINUTES FEBRUARY 18, 1997 5 <br />maintenance agreements, and development contract be submitted for review prior to application <br />of final approval. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />E. Case No. ZAW96-32 Rezone from RR to OP; 11825 50th St. N., <br />Applicant:Bob Engstrom <br />Ann Terwedo reported the legal description for 11825 50th Street N., was not part of the rezoning <br />for the Engstrom/Klatt property. This Is a verification of that rezoning. The Planning Commission <br />recommended approval at its February 10, 1997 meeting. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn - to adopt Ordinance No. 8155 rezoning a 25 acre parcel of land from (RR) <br />Rural Residential to (OP) Open Space Development Area. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />F. Case No. SUB/97-13 Preliminary Plat & Plan, The Field of St. Croix <br />Applicant: Bob Engstrom <br />City Planner Terwedo reported this is a Preliminary Plat and Plan called The Fields of St. Croix <br />on a 126 acre parcel located west of Highway 5, North of Manning Avenue. The development <br />consists of a 46 unit, mixed residential use subdivision and preservation of approximately 81.48 <br />acres buildable land of which 49.81 acres will remain in agricultural use. A variance is requested <br />to Section 700 of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code. The design flow for this treatment system will <br />be over 1500 gallons per day. The system will be a wetland treatment system designed by HRD <br />Engineering. The applicant has submitted a description plan for the CSA Farm, but has not <br />included information regarding that business. The applicant has not submitted details on the <br />townhouses and will need to be reviewed at a later date. <br />Bob Engstrom provided a site plan for the The Fields of St. Croix, and the plan proposes the first <br />phase (146 acres) of a two stage plan on a 246 acre site. Scott Wallace gave a presentation on <br />the wetland treatment system. The Council questioned the definition of a hardship for the <br />variance to the 1500 gallons per day design flow, and asked is there a backup system and will <br />the homeowners assoc. be responsible for this backup system. Mr. Engstrom and Attorney Filla <br />pointed out the City did adopt an amendment to the development standards which does permit <br />the Council, by 4 affirmative votes, to allow a modification of those standards without following a <br />variance process. Filla suggested the applicant come back with an explanation of what is <br />required for the modification to the septic standards at a future date. <br />There was discussion on the proposed improvement of 50th Street which is on the City's overall <br />thoroughfare plan and special assessments for this improvements or possible impact fees under <br />the impact ordinance. <br />M/S/P Hunt/John - to direct the staff to review the City's assessment policy in relationship to <br />Open Space Zoning development, specifically, as to how the City assesses land in common <br />ownership or single ownership and individual lots which may abut against the improved roadway <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn - to approve Case No. SUB197-13 Preliminary Plat and Plan, The Fields of St. <br />Croix, with the conditions of approval listed in the City Planner's report as amended, with <br />recognition that the condition of the consistency of this proposal with our Open Space <br />Preservation District was given by staff's report and that all documentation for easements, <br />declarations, association by-laws, maintenance agreements, and development contracts be <br />submitted for review prior to application for final approval. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />