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02-04-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-04-97 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNL MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1997 <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL: <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />Proposal by #ISD 834 to send District #834 students living north of Highway 5 to Brown's Creek <br />Elementary instead of Lake Elmo Elementary School. <br />Ginny Hildebrandt, 4180 Irvin Circle, explained that #ISD 834 has a proposal to change school <br />boundaries which would divide the community spiritually and cause a loss of downtown revenue. <br />Only a few Lake Elmo residents knew the boundary change was being planned. A petition has <br />been circulating against the boundary change and will be submitted to the Boundary Committee. <br />Mayor John felt the proposal would divide the City and compromise the sense of community and <br />criticized the School Board for failing to explain the need and why Lake Elmo residents would <br />benefit from it and asked them to explain these plans which he felt the public was not involved in <br />much of the planing process. Administrator Kueffner suggested Mary Jo Weingarten and Mr. <br />Wettergren be invited to explain the proposed changes in person during a Council meeting, <br />Public Hearing on Imation: <br />Councilor DeLapp pointed out there will be a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the <br />Oakdale Municipal Bldg., Tuesday, February 25, 1997, 8 p.m., for Imation and the 3M <br />Company's Preliminary Plat for the property located east of 1-694 and north of Highway 5. The <br />site plan shows a 470,000 sq.ft. officetresearch and development building with 1,334 parking <br />spaces. The structure is planned to be four stories with the top level containing mechanical <br />equipment. <br />B. Washington County Sheriff's Department: Sergeant Rick Peterson and Deputy Larry <br />Osterman. Update on "POP"; Alarms; and the Safe and Sober Program <br />Sergeant Rick Peterson reported the Washington County Sheriff's Office has implemented a <br />Problem Oriented Policing Unity (P.O.P.) This unit is based in the Patrol Division. Sgt. Peterson <br />and Deputy Wayne Johnson are the officers currently assigned to this unit. Assignment may <br />include, direct patrol, surveillance, warrant service; crime specific patrol; narcotics details and <br />investigative division assistance. Two other projects provided is the Minnesota Crime Alert <br />Network and updating a directory with information on businesses which may be needed to either <br />provide service or investigate a crime. Information on Minnesota's 1997 Safe & Sober Campaign <br />was submitted. <br />Deputy Larry Osterman reported that parents' night for D.A.R.E. will be held at the Lake Elmo <br />School on February 13, 6:30 p.m., and the Culmination will be held at the School on May 30, <br />1997. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. 30th Street Feasibility Report <br />City Engineer, Tom Prew, provided a Feasibility Report for 30th Street Reconstruction from Lake <br />Elmo Avenue (CSAH 17) to Manning Avenue (CSAH 15), dated January 31, 1997. The City and <br />the owners of the Herzfeld property, which lies south of 30th Street between Lisbon Avenue and <br />Manning Avenue, will work in a cooperative manner in order to proceed with the two projects. <br />The Council commended Mr. Prew for holding meetings with the area residents and listening to <br />their concerns and coming up with an acceptable street design. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to adopt Resolution No. 97-3, A Resolution ordering preparation of a <br />feasibility report for the 30th Street Reconstruction from Lake Elmo Avenue (CSAH 17) to <br />Manning Avenue (CSAH 15). (Motion passed 3-0). <br />
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