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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNG.. MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1997 <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to adopt Resolution No. 97-4, A Resolution Receiving the Feasibility Report <br />for the 30th Street Reconstruction. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />7. PARKS/MAINTENANCE/FIRE/BUILDING: <br />A. Recommendation from Maintenance Advisory Committee for purchase of trailer by the <br />Maintenance Department <br />At the January 29th meeting, the MAC recommended the purchase of the Felling Model FT-10P <br />from Scharber & Sons per their quotation at a total cost of $1,704 including tax with our old trailer <br />as a trade in. The Council received a memo from the MAC summarizing its review and <br />recommendation of the request by the MAC for the purchase of a trailer. Bill Wacker, MAC, <br />complimented Dan Olinger and staff for doing a great job on modifying the existing cold storage <br />maintenance building. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to approve the purchase of a Felling Model FT-10P Trailer from Scharber & <br />Sons per their quotation of $1,704.00, including tax, which also includes the trade-in of our <br />existing trailer based on the Findings of Fact and recommendation of the MAC. (Motion passed <br />3-0). <br />8. PLANNING LAND USE AND ZONING: <br />A. Concept Plan Approval: Heritage Farm; Applicant: Herzfeld, Inc. <br />Planner Terwedo summarized her Planner's Report dated 2-4-97 indicating this is an Open <br />Space Development Concept Plan, requested by Bob Herzfeld, Herzfeld Inc, for a 46-unit mixed <br />residential use subdivision located west of Manning Avenue and South of 30th Street. <br />Tim Freeman, Folz, Freeman, Dupay & Assoc., presented the concept plan for Heritage Farm <br />which showed 44 new housing units proposed and two existing homes on 99.4 acres. There are <br />36 single family detached homes and 8 attached single family units. At their February 3rd <br />meeting, the Parks Commission recommended denial of a 7-acre parcel planned for a park in <br />this development. Mr. Freeman submitted a copy of the Model Pipeline Setback Ordinance from <br />Department of Public Safety Office of Pipeline Safety. <br />A letter was submitted by Mark Ryan and Roy Fuhrmann, Metropolitan Airports Commission, <br />indicating the concept plan appears quite acceptable to MAC given the fact that much of the area <br />of concern to MAC will remain free of development due to the City's Open Space Preservation <br />District's requirements. Also, MAC will work with the City, developer on an informational packet <br />informing any potential property owners of the location of the Airport in relation to the Herzfeld <br />development. <br />The Council received a memo, dated February 2, 1997, from Council member Conlin <br />recommending denial of the Herzfeld Concept plan based on (5) reasons listed. The Council <br />indicated these reasons were resolved in Mr. Freeman's presentation. <br />Also, submitted was a letter from Joe Lux, Washington County Public Works Dept., asking the <br />City to require dedication of additional right-of-way totaling 110 feet from the existing centerline of <br />CSAH 15, with access control, as part of the subdivision process. This Is a long term planning <br />need --there are no plans to upgrade Manning Avenue in the immediate future, but felt that it is <br />prudent to require this dedication as lands are subdivided, <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to approve Case No. OPC/97-7 based on the findings stated in the City <br />Planner's report dated February 4, 1997 and to deny the request of Washington County Public <br />Works for a dedication of additional right-of-way totaling 110 feet from the existing centerline of <br />CSAH 15 based on this is an uncompensated takings from the landowner and would change the <br />