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02-04-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-04-97 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNL MINUTES FEBRUARY 4, 1997 ( 4 <br />Open Space dedication and dwelling unit calculations for the proposed development. (Motion <br />passed 3-O). <br />A.(2) Case No. ZAM/97-6 Rezoning, Herzfeld Property <br />Since a rezoning requires a 4/5ths vote of the Council and there were only three Council <br />members in attendance, Tim Freeman agreed to an extension of the rezoning request until the <br />February 18th Council meeting where there will be a full Council in attendance. <br />M/S/P Hunt/John - to postpone Case No. ZAM/97-6 until the February 18, 1997 Council meeting <br />(Motion passed 3-0). <br />M/S/P HunUDeLapp - to request the Planning Commission consider all areas covered under the <br />Open Space Zoning District be rezoned by one action in order to be consistent with the <br />Comprehensive Plan. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />B. Recommendation from Planning Commission on Recodification <br />M/S/P HunUDeLapp - to direct the staff to prepare an ordinance adopting the 1997 code <br />recodification of the 1979 Lake Elmo Municipal Code with the addition of Ordinances 7901 <br />through 8152 and adopt and publish the summary of this Ordinance with the supporting <br />resolution for the next Council meeting. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None <br />10. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />On January 24th Mayor John and Councilor DeLapp attended the University of Minnesota -- <br />Ohio State swim meet and presented the Lake Elmo proclamation Honoring Tanya Schuh and <br />proclaiming that day to be Tanya Schuh Hometown Day. <br />Administrator Kueffner and John attended the Tri-Lakes Association Annual meeting where <br />they discussed septic waste water disposal systems in the Tri-Lakes area and establishing a <br />study group to consider the subject.. The group would determine whether a problem exists, the <br />extent of the problem and the viability of carious solutions, included constructed wetlands, sewer <br />systems and associated costs. Administrator Kueffner will determine the best way to set up this <br />study group. <br />On Wednesday, Kueffner and John will meet with Ginny Holder, Lake Elmo's Cable <br />Representative, to establish the format and subject matter for the first Lake Elmo TV program. <br />on Wednesday. <br />Based on comments at the Park Commission's last meeting regarding continuity of open <br />space between adjacent developments, Councilor DeLapp suggested consideration of additional <br />guidelines for Open Space selection which could result in larger open spaces. <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. 1997 Contract with Washington County Sheriff's Department <br />The Council received the 1997 Law Enforcement Contract with Washington County. This <br />contract includes a fourth deputy which the City may phase in permanently with help from the <br />COPS Fast Program. The Council suggested inviting Sheriff Frank to discuss these new policies <br />with the Council sometime in March and publish the date in the Newsletter. <br />M/S/P HuntDeLapp - to approve the 1997 Law Enforcement Contract with Washington County <br />as presented. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />
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