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03-04-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-04-97 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1997 2 <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to approve the March 4, 1997 Claims #5659 through #5701 as presented. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONALANOUIRIES: <br />A. Legislative Update: Senator Gary Laidig and Representative Peg Larsen <br />Representative Peg Larsen reported on the battle over rights -of -way between telephone companies and <br />Minnesota cities is being fought in both the Legislature and courts, House File 657 requiring city plats be <br />approved by the County if it has access on a County road, the House passed a youth tobacco access bill <br />that would require the licensing of tobacco retailers by cities or by the county if the city chose not to issue <br />license. Representative Larsen has been appointed to the Boundary Waters Commission. Senator Gary <br />Laidig reported on ideas for property tax reform, legislation abolishing the Met Council or reconstitute <br />them as an elected body, abolishing the Municipal Board, and working on exempting local goverments <br />from having to pay sales tax. <br />B. Public Inquiries: Ron Sessing asked if he could speak under the City Planner's Report. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: 30th Street Reconstruction <br />The Public Hearing Notice was published in the Stillwater Gazette on February 14 and 21, 1997 and all <br />affected property owners were notified. <br />City Engineer, Tom Prow, reported as part of Lake Elmo's Five Year Municipal State -Aid Improvement <br />Plan, 30th Street North is scheduled for reconstruction in 1997. Prow presented the Reconstruction <br />Project which includes an 80' diameter roundabout at the intersection of Lisbon Avenue and 30th Street. <br />A 5' wide concrete sidewalk is proposed from Lake Elmo Avenue to Lisbon Avenue. This improvement is <br />included in the City's Park and Trail Plan. Prow felt this makes good sense from a safety stand point <br />since the road will be constructed so narrow. Prow proposed East of Lisbon Avenue an 8-foot bituminous <br />trail be constructed to Manning Avenue. The total estimated project cost is $526,000. <br />A petition consisting of 20 signatures (13 families) petitioning the City not to install a sidewalk along <br />30th Street as part of the resurfacing project was submitted. The Council received a letter from Joseph <br />Lux, Washington County Public Works Dept., requiring filing of a street access permit as a method for <br />them to track improvements made to intersections with the County State Aid Highway system. <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 8:00 p.m, in the Council chambers. <br />Marjorie Williams, 3025 Lake Elmo Avenue N,. opposed the sidewalks because a sidewalk will not <br />enhance the quality of a quiet country lane. She has been walking this street to Reid Park since 1972 and <br />has not been fearful of the traffic or heard of anyone injured on this street. <br />Shirley Jahnke, 11377 30th Street N., referred to the petition submitted, indicating that most of the <br />residents do not want the sidewalk installed. <br />Virginia Kressin, 11217 30th Street N., stated she had no problem walking the street and did not want the <br />improvements for the street or the sidewalk. <br />Greg Quick, new resident on 30th St., likes to walk the street, but had the problem of where to go when <br />the cars are coming. He applauds the trail because this would siphon the bikes of the road, give the <br />bicyclist a chance to pass a pedestrian and provide safe walking. <br />
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