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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL LNUTES MARCH 4, 1997 ( 3 <br />Bob Herzfeld, 15050 30th St. N., developer of Heritage Farm off of 30th St. and Manning, likes the <br />design of the road and the proposed round -about. Regarding the construction schedule beginning approx. <br />June 2nd, they are looking at that time to start digging basements. He asked if the asphalt and tar would <br />be down in time for truffic that will be in by Fall for the selling season. <br />Jackie Notaro, 3020 Lisbon Avenue N., has trouble walking the street and endorsed the proposed trail. <br />She asked if each townhouse unit on Lisbon Avenue would be assessed? <br />Paul Ryberg, 11326 30th St. N., liked the idea of having catch basins. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 8:12 p.m. <br />Discussion followed based on the petition submitted if there should be a sidewalk and trail since the trail <br />is proposed in the parks Plan. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to adopt Resolution No. 97-6. A Resolution Ordering Improvement and Preparation <br />of plans for the 30th Street Reconstruction from Lake Elmo Avenue (CSAH 17) to Manning Avenue <br />(CSAH 15). (Motion passed 4-1: Dunn:The petition has 22 signatures stating they do not want a <br />sidewalk). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn - to direct the Parks Commission to study the issue of a trail system along 30th street <br />from Manning Avenue to Lake Elmo Avenue and whether or not it should be routed along 30th street or if <br />it should be diverted through Reid Park and continue to Lake Elmo Avenue. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Temporary Lowering of Valley Branch Watershed District Lakes <br />The Council received a copy of a letter from Randy Peterson, Barr Engineering to Molly Shodeen, DNR, <br />regarding temporary lowering of Valley Branch Watershed District Lakes. If the lakes are not lowered, <br />flood elevations could exceed the projected 100-year flood levels. The process will take two to three <br />weeks, and there will be notifications in both the Pioneer Press and the Oakdale Lake Elmo Review. Thin <br />ice signs will be placed at the respective water bodies. The Council voiced their concern that the landings <br />should be posted by the VBWD. Tom Prew will check with the Maintenance Dept. if there are any other <br />areas for potential flooding. <br />7. PARKS/MAINTENANCEMM DEPARTMENTS: <br />A. Recommendation on Pumper, Dick Sachs, Fire Chief <br />The Council received a letter from the Lake Elmo Fire Department Officers and Equipment Committee, <br />dated March 1, 1997, recommending to purchase the truck bid by General Safety Equipment as a demo <br />unit. The vehicle cost would be $203,960.00 plus approximately $1000 for the additional equipment. <br />(Electronic air compressor and pump valve). The Fire Department would take delivery of the vehicle in <br />November, 1997. Fire Chief Dick Sachs stated the department got 28 years out of the last pumper and <br />expects this pumper to last at least 25 years. The old unit will be sold. <br />As liaison to MAC, Councilor Hunt clarified because of the nature of the way this has changed, the MAC <br />did recommend approval of pursuing a demo fire truck in the August timeframe. That fire'track <br />evaporated. In the meantime there was confusion amongst members of MAC, the Council, staff as to <br />what really was approved. Even if the process was followed, Hunt did not believe the final result would be <br />any different. <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to accept the bid from General Safety Equipment, for a demo unit, at a cost of <br />$204,960 which includes the electronic air compressor and pump valve to be delivered by November, <br />1997. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />