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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 4, 1997 <br />Council member Dunn felt issues, such as; was it appropriate that the RE zoning (minimum 2 1/2 acres) <br />deleted, need to address buffer areas, no townhouses permitted, and the affect of Dist. 834 school <br />boundary proposal. <br />Councilor Hunt asked that a policy book be given to each Council member, an in the future, these policies <br />will be placed on the web site. He will look into a print sharing mechanism and try to bring back a <br />recommendation for the next meeting. <br />12. C1TY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Six Month Review - Pay raise recommendation for Cynthia Young <br />Administrator Kueffner explained that an employee evaluation was done by her and Ann Terwedo and <br />recommended a $1.50 per hour increase. This increase does not include the 1997 pay review now <br />underway for all staff members. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to approve the pay increase of $1.50 per hour for Cynthia Young as recommended <br />by the City Administrator. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />There was discussion on the cost of publishing a monthly newsletter and a suggestion was made to get a <br />list of local businesses to see if there is interest in advertising. A policy would be drafted and reviewed by <br />the League of MN Cites or the City Attorney. <br />The Council adjourned the meeting at 10:35 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy Clerk <br />