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t <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL NnNUTES MARCH 4, 1997 <br />at the Joint meeting between the Council and the Planning Commission when they discuss the OP <br />Ordinance. <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Update on Junker Landfill <br />Attorney Fllla reported that a settlement has been achieved in this case and asked the City Council to <br />authorize the Mayor and Administrator to sign the appropriate settlement documents sometime within the <br />next 10 days and funds requested are $200. <br />B. Burgess Lawsuit <br />Councilor Hunt asked that Attorney John Miller and Jim McNamara have the status of the complaints and <br />if the parties involved are in compliance at the next Council meeting. <br />10. <br />A. St. Croix Bridge Issue <br />The City Council held a workshop at City Hall on Tuesday, February 25, 1997 concerning federal <br />mediations and the future of the St. Croix River Bridge. The four Council members in attendance <br />recommended the final vote on this subject be held at a regular Council meeting. <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to decline to participate in the mediation process on the St. Croix Bridge and the city <br />send a letter to Oak Park Heights stating that the City supports mediation as a way of resolving issues, that <br />the city would like to see the keyplayers, Oak parks Heights, MnDOT, National Park Service, Wis DOT, <br />and Stillwater sit down and see if they can work out an amicable resolution. (Motion passed 3- <br />2:Dunn:concern with the impact of increased traffic on Hwy 36 and 5, DeLapp:In our comprehensive plan <br />we made references to the impact of the bridge.) <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - that the City of Lake Elmo would express its interest in understanding and following <br />the process such as we may evaluate any impact that they come to any decisions based on the mediation <br />effort and then also address upon the city's understanding would then prepare a workshop to discuss how <br />these decisions would impact Lake Elmo and communicate those to the appropriate agencies. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John attended the Old Village Task Force meeting, and it appeared as if the members felt they <br />were not publicly recognized and established by the city and did not have the authority to request items to <br />be copied or mailed. The Council has not defined the boundaries of the Old Village for them to study. <br />Planner Terwedo was asked to bring back a map showing the Old Village study area, as far West as <br />Klondike, North to Schiltgen Farm, East to the limits of Fields of St. Croix and down to Manning <br />Avenue and back and possibly 100 yards south of the railroad track including the north shore of Lake <br />Elmo. Administrator Kueffner asked that the City be provided a list of names so it can officially <br />recognize them as a committee. A workshop between the Council and the Old Village Task Force will be <br />scheduled for April. <br />Council member Conlin reminded the Council that the Planning Commission asked for a workshop to <br />review the issues with the OP Ordinance. The Council set up Monday, March 31, at 6:00 p.m., City Hall <br />for a joint council/planning commission workshop. <br />Councilor DeLapp proposed a moratorium on Public Facilities until the City develops standards for this <br />zoning district. The Administrator will get a legal opinion on this and add this item to the agenda for the <br />Joint Workshop. <br />