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3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to approve the April 15, 1997 claims #5778 through #5841 as amended (Strike <br />"annual" from claim #5778). <br />4. <br />A. Tree City USA:Arbor Day Proclamation and Activities <br />Jonathan Stiegler, representing DNR and the National Arbor Day Foundation, congratulated the City who <br />has been active in preserving and planting trees in the City and presented the Tree City USA award to the <br />City of Lake Elmo. Mayor John accepted the plaque, Arbor Day sign and flag, recognizing the hard work <br />of Mike Bouthilet, Parks Supervisor, and former Councilor Dick Johnson, who were instrumental in <br />starting this program and countless volunteers who have been involved with the city in planting trees. <br />ARBOR DAY PROCLAMATION:Mayor John Proclaimed: <br />WHEREAS, Lake Elmo has been recognized as a Tree City USA by The National Arbor Day <br />Foundation and desires to continue its tree -planting ways, <br />NOW, THEREFORE, I, Wyn John, Mayor of the City of lake Elmo, do hereby proclaim April 25, <br />1997 as ARBOR DAY in the City of Lake Elmo, and I urge all citizens to support efforts to care for our <br />trees and woodlands and to support our city's community forestry program. <br />Mike Bouthilet, Parks Supervisor, reported Arbor Day, April 25th, will be celebrated by planting trees at <br />the VFW park with three classes of students from Lake Elmo Elementary School. Mayor John and Mike <br />Bouthilet will be there to participate in the tree planting demonstrations and distribute free seedlings, <br />B. On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License:River Valley Catering, 3712 Layton Avenue N. <br />Jon Place, River Valley Catering, has purchased the Lake Elmo VFW Banquet Hall and plans to offer <br />food and beverage service operation open to the public. Operating hours of business: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. <br />Monday through Friday, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturdays and closed on Sundays. The question raised was if <br />this proposal is for catering use is considered a "restaurant" as defined per City code. If this use is <br />considered a restaurant, Mr. Place is eligible for an On -Sale Liquor License. The Council requested the <br />applicant submit more information supporting his use as a restaurant as defined according to the City <br />code. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn -to direct staff to provide Jon Place the requirements for obtaining an on -sale <br />intoxicating liquor license and request the staff to work with Mr. Place to put together information on his <br />proposal in accordance with the City regulations. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to postpone this item until the May 6,1997 City Council meeting, (Motion passed <br />5-0). <br />C. Clean-up Day <br />The Council has designated May loth, 8 a.m.-Noon, for Clean -Up Days which will be held at the <br />Washington County Fairgrounds. A quote has been obtained from Vasko Rubbish Removal and their <br />prices are the same as last year. The City will be credited $15 per ton for heavy metals. A quotation was <br />received for tires and appliances because these are specialty items and are not included in Vasko's bid. A <br />copy of last year's newsletter was provided which outline the charges to the residents. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn - to accept the quotation from Vasko Rubbish Removal for the City's 1997 clean-up <br />day, per quote April 11,1997. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn - to accept the quotation from Arcon for appliance pick up for the City's 1997 clean-up <br />day per quotation dated March 27, 1997. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 1997 2 <br />