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M/S/P Hunt/Dunn - to accept the quotation from RC Trucking for tire pick up for the City's 1997 clean-up <br />day per quotation dated April 3,1997. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to charge Lake Elmo residents $10 entrance fee to clean-up day based on a limit of <br />six car passenger tires per household, and one appliance per household. Further, that additional charges <br />will be in accordance with last year's fee schedule as outlined in the June, 1996, newsletter. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />D. Update on upcoming Human Rights Meeting <br />Administrator Kueffner reported according to Carol Banister there is a group meeting the fourth <br />Wednesday every month, 7 p.m., at the Early Childhood and Family Education Center in Stillwater and <br />encouraged the public to attend. <br />E. Information on landscaping on County Road 19 <br />Council member Dunn updated the Council that Washington County had proposed a plan for landscaping <br />the boulevard leading from I-94 into the entrance to the Regional Park. She was notified that bids were <br />out and work would start in May through July for landscaping area County Rd 19 and loth Street. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA:None <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. 30th Street Reconstruction Project:adopt Resolution Approving Plans/ <br />Authorizing Advertisement for Bids <br />Tom Prew, City Engineer, presented the final plans for the 30th Street Reconstruction Project and <br />discussed changes from the Feasibility Report. These changes include adding a sidewalk from Lisbon <br />Avenue to the Reid Park driveway; changing the bituminous trail from 8' wide to 10' wide; and adding a <br />landscaping plan. There was some discussion regarding further review of the landscaping plan and <br />working with the developer to the south to coordinate our plantings. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to adopt Resolution No. 97-11, approving the plans for 30th Street Reconstruction <br />and authorize the advertisement for bids. (Motion passed 4-1:Dunn). Councilor Dunn voiced concern on <br />the safety of the round -about. <br />B. Experimental Septic Systems <br />The Council discussed their position on the wetland treatment systems. It was the Council's opinion that <br />additional systems would be allowed, but the engineer should develop standards for these systems. Tom <br />Prew pointed out that the purpose of the experimental system is to see if these type of systems will work <br />and to see what criteria will be used in the future to design these systems. The developers will be <br />submitting a monitoring plan which will be reviewed by the staff and incorporated into the developer's <br />agreement. The State will be monitoring some of the systems so the City can follow their lead on this. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to direct the staff and City engineer to develop standards for these systems to <br />enable the building inspector to adequately assess the construction for septic systems. (Motion passed 4- <br />1:Conlin:as long as the City is classifying this as experimental septic systems, developing standards and <br />monitoring should be a pass through cost to the developer.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 1997 3 <br />