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C. Proposal for Facilities Planning/Management:Lce Hunt <br />Councilman Hunt provided a proposal for a Lake Elmo facilities and Management Committee. The <br />Council supported this idea, encouraged public input, and suggested the Planning Commission and MAC <br />have a lead role in this. <br />M/S/P John/DeLapp - to take Councilor's Hunt proposal for a Facilities Planning/Management Committee <br />to the Planning Commission and explain this is a job that needs to be done and ask how they want to deal <br />with it. Councilor Hunt volunteered to attend the PZ meeting and give suggestions in order to get a full <br />handle on the City's facilities. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None <br />10. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Policy for Council Liaisons <br />Administrator Kueffner was directed to prepare a policy where alternate liaisons be appointed to the <br />various commissions and committees in the City for those instances where the regular liaison could not <br />attend a meeting. A copy of a draft policy was submitted for council review. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to adopt Administrative Policy 97-1 Council Liaisons to City Commissions and <br />CounmtM= mpceumtbdbc(i dkiDhdpm& b3h6}vetlands and the attached cost and propose the group <br />B. Update on Manning Avenue: Wyn John <br />Mayor John updated the Council on the progress of the study for alternative routes to connect Manning <br />Avenue in a straight line between Highway 36 and the junction of Highway 5 and Manning. Part of this <br />route is at present a dirt road, which eventually becomes 50th Street North and joins Highway 5. The <br />Washington County Comprehensive plan has shown this route to be a straight line, north to south. The <br />study a "do nothing" proposal and that none of the proposed routes had been favored above this. Council <br />members DeHapp and Dunn voiced their concerns of the affect on everyone if a new bridge is built over <br />the St. Croix River south of Stillwater, MnDOT estimates that the new stretch of Manning Avenue would <br />carry 6,100 vehicles per day. The Council encouraged residents to attend the meeting, April 30, at <br />Washington County Government Center and to contact the Washington County Commissioners with peir <br />opinions on the issue. <br />C. Discuss direction from one council member <br />Councilor Dunn had asked the planner to review the parking problem in the Old Village. The <br />Administrator asked this direction be one by a motion. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp -to direct the City Planner to review the parking in the Old Village and review the <br />proposed development off of County Road 17 and 33rd St. and how the applicant proposed parking and <br />come back with a statement for the next council meeting. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John attended the first video taping of Lake Elmo Diary which included discussion with Tanya <br />Schuh and Mike Bouthilet. <br />Councilor DeLapp requested an update by the City Attorney at the next meeting on issues on 50th Street <br />and Hill Trail N. Administrator Kueffner will provide the Council with a letter addressing his concern. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 1997 <br />