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7. PARKS/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />A. Update from MAC concerning Parks Dept. <br />Council members Hunt and Dunn reported that one of the Parks Dept, tractors blew an engine. MAC <br />asked the Council to give Mike Bouthilet authorization to contact Polfus Equip, vendor of the used tractor, <br />and arrange a demo on the tractor and make an evaluation to see if the tractor would meet his needs and <br />make a recommendation to MAC. After receiving Mike Bouthilet's report, the MAC would submit an <br />evaluation to the Council. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to give Mike Bouthilet the authorization to contact Polfus Equip. to check on the <br />availability of the tractor, arrange for a demonstration of the tractor, and report back to MAC and the <br />Council on all the alternatives recognizing this is a deviation from the adopted City's purchasing policy. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />8. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Appeal Request for sign by Richard Kosman, Leslie's Floor Decor <br />On March 24, 1997, the Planning Commission denied a request by Richard Kosman for variances to the <br />sign ordinance (height and size) for the placement of a 64 sq.ft. sign 12 ft. in height. Mr. Kosman is <br />appealing the decision made by the commission based on the need to increase the height of the sign is <br />mainly due to the accumulative snow heights throughout the winter. Neither Mr. Kosman nor a <br />representative was in attendance to present the appeal. <br />M/S/P Hunt/John - to postpone consideration of the appeal request for a sign by Richard Kosman to allow <br />him to come before the Council or have a representative at the May 6th meeting and request the staff to <br />notify the applicant. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Conditional Use Permit, Duplexes, PRAIRM HAMLET <br />City Planner Terwedo reported on April 1,1997 the Council approved the preliminary plat and plan for <br />Prairie Hamlet. The approval was conditional upon the City granting a Conditional Use Permit for the <br />duplexes. At that meting there was a question as to whether or not each duplex unit was to be <br />individually owned. The applicant indicated that they would be individually owned with joint ownership <br />of the land, similar to a condominium. The OP ordinance allows duplexes by conditional use permit. <br />Attorney Filla added that our code does provide for co -ownership of the one-half acre lots with individual <br />ownership of the units and the details for property identification and taxes can be worked out. The design <br />of the units will be that of a single family home. Joint driveways will be required to allow access to the <br />structure. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to approve the Conditional Use Permit for duplexes in Prairie Hamlet requested by <br />Robert White on Block 3, Lots 2 & 3 and Block 1, Lots 1 and 2 based on the following conditions: 1). The <br />final plat shall indicate joint driveway easements for the duplexes, 2). The design of each unit (2 attached <br />units) shall be similar to the single family units. No side -by -side units will be allowed., 3). The south <br />border of the site, Outlet B, shall be planted as follows: (26) quaking aspen, 6' on center, #15 pot (1.5 dia. <br />8-12' in height), (22) white pine, 12' on center, B&B (baled and burlaped) (6' in height), (7) spruce or fir, <br />6' on center, (15-20' in height) *as outlined in the attached landscape plan, 4). Common wall should be of <br />a 2-hour fire rating, 5). The duplexes located on Block 1, (lot 1 & 2) and Block 3 (lot 2 & 3) should not be <br />further subdivided and 6). An alternative drainfield area will be dedicated as a possible future replacement <br />for the proposed experimental constructed wetland treatment system drainfield. Additionally, an <br />alternative standard drainfield area will be dedicated for use in the event that the constructed wettand <br />treatment system fails, (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 15, 1997 <br />