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04-29-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-29-97 CCM
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City of Lake Elmo City Council Special Meeting Tuesday, April 29,1997 page 2 <br />Jack McNamara/Project Manager for the Development of IMATION Site <br />IMATION <br />Said, as the budget allows, there must be landscaping and a walking path along the west side, greenery <br />in the median, and safety was the #1 concern. <br />Paul Danielson <br />- _ BRW <br />Said the design presented in the past months meets the technical issues. Said widening the median <br />causes impact on both sides of Trunk Highway 5. Said the current design speed is 50 MPH. Said <br />Washington County and State Aid funds will be used. Proposes 4 "-6" curb stops. Said based on volume, <br />lane widths and a pedestrian bike lane will all be considered. Said the most likely impact will be lesser <br />speed limits. <br />Councilor DeLapp said trees could be planted within the median. Councilor Conlin said District Two <br />Commissioner Mary Hauser sees a vision for Manning Avenue as a parkway, and asked if Washington <br />County could not embrace a "rural" atmosphere. Mayor John said Lake Elmo would like to preserve a <br />parkway atmosphere. <br />Mr. Jordan said he really wanted to work on maintaining a rural atmosphere and has safety concerns about <br />putting trees in the median. Said total employees on the IMATION site would be 2000. <br />The discussion continued regarding shrubbery in the median, bike paths, landscaping, 4 lanes and traffic <br />projections. <br />Mr. Jordan said he cannot and will not introduce a pedestrian walkway, due to liability issues. <br />Mayor John asked the Councilors for input: <br />DeLapp; said without a developers agreement, the city is left with a 2'-3' green area in the median, 30' <br />lights and no trees. Conlin; no comments tonight and wants the affected residents to be notified of an <br />upcoming meeting, not willing to make a commitment, concerned about traffic speed. Hunt; no other <br />concerns other than speed limits, but not in favor of a 4-lane to the north. Dunn; concerned about <br />getting employees in and out of" TIONwith ease, wants to look at the safety issue, the landscaping <br />needs to be designed with some sensitivity to the residents needs. <br />City Planner Pung-Terwedo questione d whether or not there was enough time for a vehicle to increase to <br />50 MPH in the 1000-1500 feet allowed between intersections. <br />Mayor John asked if there was currently a great deal of traffic at the 3M campus. Councilor Hunt said <br />Conway can be a "racetrack." Councilor Hunt said he agreed with Councilor Conlin that the affected <br />resident need to be notified. <br />City Administrator Kueffner recommended Don Jordan provide a visual simulation of before/after of the <br />Co. Rd. 13 site, and suggested this would simplify their presentation at the May 6, 1997 meeting. <br />It was agreed that IMATION would try and provide a visual rendering as noted above and that City <br />Planner Pung-Terwedo will draft a resolution. <br />
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