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l <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 1997 <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to approve the May 20,1997 Claims #5892 through #5942, as presented. (Motion <br />passed 4-0). <br />M/S/P Conlin/Dunn — to ask Finance Director Marilyn Banister to prepare a year-to-date budget update for <br />the next council meeting. (Motion passed 4-0) <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL/INOUIRIES: <br />A. Letter of appreciation to City from Capt. Scott Sinks, Civil Air Patrol <br />The City received a letter of appreciation from the Civil Air Patrol thanking the City for use of Sunfish <br />Lake Park for an April 26-27, 1997 Civil Air Patr01/U. S. Air Force search and rescue exercise. The Lake <br />Elmo staff was extremely helpful and the mission was successful. <br />B. Tri-Lakes Assoc. request to have water ski show on Lake Jane on August 9s':Joe Kiesling <br />Jim Dillon, Tri-Lakes President and Joe Kiesling requested permission to have a water ski show, similar to <br />the ski show they held in 1995, in front of Joe Kiesling's home. They have contacted Washington County <br />and received their conditions for such an event. The City will look into what was required two years ago <br />when this request came in and if there were a record of complaints or concerns. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to request the staff to work with the Tri-Lakes Assoc, with information requested <br />and come back to Council if appropriate at the next meeting. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />C. Entrance signs to Torre Pines:Mike Black <br />Mike Black, Royal Oaks Realty, Inc. is requesting a neighborhood identification monument of Kasota stone <br />with Torre Pines identified as a Lake Elmo Community located on the comer of Inwood Avenue and 21". <br />St. N. The definition of Sign, Neighborhood/Sector may be in conflict with this proposal for an entrance <br />sign for Tone Pines. Staff is asking for direction regarding Mike Black's proposal: (1) Clarify the <br />definition of Sign, Neighborhood/Sector and direct staff to work with Mr. Black to process the application <br />or (2) The definition of Sign,Neighborhood/Sector is appropriate and indicates large sectors of the City <br />such as the Tri-Lakes area and therefore a sign for Torre Pines would not be appropriate. Council member <br />Conlin felt entrance signs (Neighborhood/Sector signs) were already allowed by the sign ordinance subject <br />to a Conditional Use Permit. Council member Dunn liked the idea of an entrance sign as long as it was <br />tastefully done. Mayor John felt that an entrance sign identifies a neighborhood without necessarily <br />separating that neighborhood from another area. Councilor DeLapp was strongly opposed --the Council <br />made a motion six years ago which was passed unanimously to not allow subdivision signs after The Forest <br />went in, If we are going to have a neighborhood sign, it should be Meehan not Tone Pines. The City does <br />not need to introduce the city to a cast system. DeLapp did support the interpretation of the sign ordinance <br />which was provided ---the Council did eliminate the motion from 1992. <br />Mike Black, Royal Oaks Realty, will proceed with the process and apply for a Conditional Use Permit for <br />the sign. He will also check into the light that flickers on and off at the entrance to Torre Pines which was <br />brought up during this discussion.. <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: None <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Grading Permit:McGough Construction <br />The public hearing notice was published in the May 9, 1997 Stillwater Gazette and property owners within <br />350' were notified. <br />Paul Danielson and Miles Lindberg, BRW, presented the request of McGough Construction for a permit to <br />construct a swale and storm water detention pond to reduce the peak discharge from the site. According to <br />the application, this request is so compliance can be met with the joining powers agreement between the <br />City of Oakdale, the City of Lake Elmo, and the Valley Branch Watershed District dated December 3,1997. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 20, 1997 <br />