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M/S/P Hunt/John — to direct the staff to investigate a larger sign with the "No Wake" rule, summary of the <br />Water Surface Ordinance handed out and invite the Washington County Water Patrol to discuss ways of <br />alleviating the problem. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Cable Commission Activity Update <br />Gimry Holder, Lake Ehno's Cable Commission Representative presented an update on the Commission's <br />activities on Lake Elmo Telecommunications, Needs Assessment and the Franchise Renewal Process. <br />C. TMT Recycling — Proposed Increase in Recycling Fees <br />Mike Maroney of TMT Recycling has asked the City to consider an increase in recycling fees Councilor <br />DeLapp suggested looking at recycling every other week in order to cut costs. Councilor Dunn asked what <br />does TMT suggest for cutting costs. Because Mr. Maroney was not present at the meeting, the Council <br />postponed this item under Unfinished Business for the next Council meeting and asked that Mr. Maroney <br />come in with data on households. <br />Administrative Kueffner has been working with Carl Tacke, Chair of the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, <br />to try and get a meeting with the group. Carl stated that there was just him and Bruce Dunn left on the <br />committee and thought they should dissolve. <br />D. Creation of the Brown Creek Watershed <br />Ann Terwedo reported the Washington County Board approved the formulation of Browns Creek <br />Watershed District and will request approval from Board of Soils and Resources. Once given approval, the <br />County Board will select a 5-member water district board from nominations and will take no more than one <br />resident from each community in the district. Administrator Kueffner explained there is a request from <br />Washington County to have a moratorium on development within that small portion of Browns Creek. <br />5. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT; <br />A. Petition for Local Street Improvement Janero Avenue <br />A petition was submitted by more than 35% of the residents on or adjacent to Janero requesting that the <br />City improve their street and take over the maintenance of the road. Janero Avenue is a grovel (private) <br />road for which the City provides no maintenance. Staff has determined that the petition is in proper form <br />and is signed by the required number of owners of property affected by the making of the improvement <br />petitioned for. A resolution declaring adequacy of petition and ordering preparation of report was provided <br />for Council approval. <br />Carol Thompson, 2990 Janero Avenue North, stated the residents concern is the safety issue. They have <br />gone for two days without fire protection or ambulance service because the road had not been plowed. <br />They would like to see an 18' road and not a 26' wide road. Tom Prew suggested holding an informal <br />meeting with the residents and recommends this project be done next summer in order to combine it with <br />other projects. The Council asked the Maintenance Dept. to look at what they could do about plowing the <br />road through the winter. <br />Jim McLeod had spoken to Earl Friedrich, 9255 3 is' St. N., who indicated if he were assessed 50% of the <br />project because he has the road frontage on the East Side, he would sell his cattle and stop farming. <br />Administrator Kueffner will send Mr. Friedrich our assessment policy so he can see how the City addresses <br />agricultural land. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Drum — to adopt Resolution No. 97-36 Declaring the Adequacy of Petition and Ordering <br />Preparation of Report for the Petitioned Improvement of Janero Avenue from 31" Street on North and to <br />the end of Street on the South. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1, 1997 <br />