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B. 30a' Street Reconstruction Update <br />In his letter dated June 26, 1997, Tom Prew reported that the City's request for a variance for the rounda- <br />bout on 30'h Street was not approved by the State Aid Variance Committee. The State Aid staff did suggest <br />that rule changes may be coming in the next year to allow this type of traffic calming. Because the traffic <br />calming was a very important feature of this project, especially to the residents on the street, Prow <br />recommended that the city postpone this project until next year hoping the state aid staff would approve the <br />round -a -bout at that time. Engineering fees incurred to date for this project are eligible for State Aid funds. <br />Tom will ask that he be appointed to the committee that reviews roundabouts. Some minor overlay work <br />on 30's Street to get the worst area through the winter will be done. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp to postpone the reconstruction of 30a` Street until 1998. Further the staff shall notify <br />affected residents on 30a' Street and contractors that had expressed interest in this project of this <br />postponement Further to support the City Engineer's participation in the Mn/DOT study group reviewing <br />roundabouts. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. CSAH 13 — Final Plans <br />Tom Prow reported that the plans for the Reconstruction of CSAH 13 are complete and are ready for <br />approval. There are no changes in the alignment from the preliminary plan. Some median trees have been <br />added. The project will end about 150 feet south of 38a' Street. There is no financial participation by the <br />City in this project. CSAH 13 north of TH5 will be open to through traffic during construction. CSAH 13 <br />south of TH 5 will be closed for about 2 weeks. Councilor Dunn asked that Tom make sure the County had <br />the correct plans because they had two sets of prints and to monitor this situation to make sure emergency <br />vehicles can get through Also, there is the speed limit issue because Lake Elmo did request a reduced <br />speed. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to approve the final plans for the reconstruction of CSAH 13 based on a favorable <br />recommendation from the City Engineer stated in his June 26, 1997 memo. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to notify Washington County and the Sheriff's Department of the danger turning left <br />off of Lake Jane Trail going West with regard to traffic going southbound on County Road 13 over the hill <br />because it is blind traffic and come back with a recommendation as to how to remedy the danger. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />D. Fields of St. Croix Sewer Permit Update <br />Attorney Filla reported that at a previous council meeting, concern was expressed regarding the <br />Metropolitan Council's policy plan which apparently requires the City to be responsible for insuring that <br />the waste water treatment facility meets its permit requirements. The Met Council also wanted the City to <br />update its Comprehensive Plan to discuss this issue. Filla suggested the City talk to the Met Council <br />regarding the timing of the Comp Plan update. Does it need to be amended now or can it be amended as <br />part of the 1998 overall revision? <br />The City has required that the Homeowners Association in connection with the Fields of St. Croix be <br />responsible for all future costs associated with the waste water treatment system. The proposed <br />Declarations for the Fields of St. Croix impose this obligation upon the Homeowners Association. <br />Additional language can be added to the Declarations to indicate that the Homeowners Association needs to <br />comply specifically with the maintenance obligations of this particular MPCA permit or any amendments <br />to the permit. The final version of the Declarations will indicate that the section imposing the wastewater <br />treatment maintenance obligations cannot be amended without the consent of the City. Filla pointed out <br />that other than model home permits, no other building permits should be issued until all of the <br />documentation has been recorded. None of the property can be conveyed until all of the documentation has <br />been recorded. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 1, 1997 <br />