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07-15-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-15-97 CCM
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M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 97-39 awarding the 1997 crack sealing contract to Bergman <br />Companies in the amount of $12,900.00. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />M/S/P Hant/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 97-40 awarding the 1997 Bituminous Patching contact to <br />T.A. Schifsky and Sons in the amount of $11,850.00. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />C. County Road 13 (Update) <br />Administrator Kueffner reported she received a complete set of plans for the Council to review. A small <br />scale version of the plan of the proposal and the landscape plan will be provided to the Council. Action <br />will be taken on August 5s'. <br />6, MAINTENANCE/PARKS/FME: <br />A. Public Works Activity Update <br />Dan Olinger updated the Council on what its general work plan is for this summer, such as, making sure <br />they can access the main gate valves of the water system, locate curb stops, check fire hydrants, minor <br />patching of streets, updating some of the 201 systems, and erecting new park equipment. They need to <br />establish policy and procedure for cleaning out culverts, sediment out of ponds which will require renting a <br />piece of equipment and get this cost into the budget. Olinger requested a workshop be scheduled between <br />the Council and Public Works to discuss drafting a procedure and discuss the impact of snowplowing <br />involved for the new housing developments on an already overworked staff The Administrator will set up <br />a date for a workshop. <br />B. Signs on Upper 33 s Street <br />Administrator Kueffner reported that Councilor Dunn is satisfied with the placement of signs, but there still <br />is a problem with cars parking too close to the hydrant and the Deputies have been alerted. The <br />Administrator will remind Lake Elmo Inn there is no parking by the fire hydrant and no parking where the <br />"No Parking Signs" are erected. <br />C. Alarm on Water Tower <br />Dan Olinger reported the City chose not to install an alarm system on the "Old Village" water tower. <br />Instead some kind of an alarm was installed in a near -by resident's home. Olinger feels now for the health, <br />safety, and welfare of the community, the City should revisit the issue and consider installation of an alarm <br />that would alert the City of any problems that may occur. Tom Prew found a $4,000 installation figure <br />with a phone charge. The Council asked the staff to look at what is going to work the best, check into <br />options and give the City a cost <br />D. New doors for Maintenance Building <br />One of the doors broke and fell on Jim McNamara's car and damaged the car. Dan Olinger explained the <br />doors have been planned to be replaced for quite a while, but was put on hold until it was decided if the <br />building was going to be remodeled for the Fire Department and a final decision was made regarding a new <br />facility. Dan received a quote from Crawford Door Sales of the Twin Cities for 5 steel doors at a cost of <br />$12,478.00. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hum — to accept the recommendation from staff and purchase the 5 steel doors per quote at <br />a cost of $12,478.00 from Crawford Door Sales of the Twin Cities and authorize the cost of $75 to put a <br />window in the door with the total cost split between Public Works, Fire Dept. and Building Dept. (Motion <br />passed 3-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 15, 1997 <br />
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