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07-15-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-15-97 CCM
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M/S/P Hunt/John — to direct the staff to call a public hearing as soon as possible for consideration of a <br />Development Moratorium in the Browns Creek Watershed District. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />C. Appeal to administrative decision to not process application for improvement of non -conforming <br />buildings. Applicant: Stephen Johnson, 2945 Lake Elmo Avenue N. <br />On June 26,1997 the City received an application from Steve Johnson to move the existing storage <br />buildings south of Upper 33rd Street and modify them into a single, commercial storage building. He also <br />proposed to improve the area for west of the storage building by paving the area for 20-25 parking spaces <br />and rent the area to the Lake Elmo Inn and landscape the area. <br />Planner Terwedo reported Mr. Johnson has purchased the railroad right-of-way and would like to purchase <br />the west 400 feet north of this area from Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber. Presently there are no zoning <br />regulations for old railroad right-of-way. The Lake Elmo Hardwood Lumber Company parcel has <br />remained in an Industrial Zoning District Storage is a permitted use in Industrial District but was repealed <br />in 1987. The parcel does not meet the minimum district requirements of 1.5 acres and none of the setback <br />requirements of the Industrial Zone. Planner Terwedo concluded that by moving the buildings and <br />modifying them into a commercial storage use is not allowed and could not process his application. Mr. <br />Johnson appealed this decision. <br />Mr. Johnson stated he would leave the building intact or move it down 120' and add additional parking <br />spots. Buildings are used weekly for storage now and his use would be less. He bought the potato shed <br />which was in Industrial Zone and moved it to the East and feels this request has identical circumstances. <br />Mr. Johnson was amenable to Councilor DeLapp's suggestion of using this area for a Farmer's Market, but <br />felt this location wasn't as visible as on Hwy 5 or 36. <br />The 400' strip owned by Joe Rogers has Industrial zoning and the railroad property has no zoning. <br />Attorney Filla explained that no property in the City could be developed unless it's consistent with the <br />code. This property needs to be rezone to a zoning category or a zoning classification would have to be <br />drafted to fit this use. The staff should check if there are other strips of land in the City similar to this. <br />The Council felt this request bad a unique set of circumstances and asked that staff take a look at conditions <br />and research where we have similar parcels of railroad property and come back with a recommendation on <br />how to proceed. Councilor DeLapp suggested the Village Committee look at this at some stage. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to support the staffs actions on not allowing the application of Steve Johnson to be <br />processed and direct the staff to investigate some possible options that the Council could adopt for areas <br />similar to this and come back with recommendations and conditions on how the City can handle this if the <br />Council would like to proceed with a proposal such as this. (Motion passed 3-0). <br />D. I-94 Fiscal Analysis (Update) <br />Planner Terwedo reported she has met with Springsted and clarifications of the analysis will be coming in <br />and then she will set up some dates for public meetings. <br />Land Use In the Undeveloped Portion of the Old Village: <br />Councilor DeLapp had a concern on the land use in the undeveloped portion of the City and asked they <br />look at the Design Team recommendations and concept of creating a strong downtown for our City. He <br />strongly urged the Council for direction and convey to Village Committee their goals and encouraged a <br />workshop. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapg - to set up a Village Committee, City Council, and Planning Commission workshop <br />the week of July 28 , prior to August 5" Council meeting to discuss the work program, schedule and <br />mission statement (Motion passed 3-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 15, 1997 <br />
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