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MINUTES APPROVED: September 2, 1997 <br />IW.114ago lu eXelIIrav-9111►ejIWIN lilt) goWITLO77Y..4Hola�4112191- l <br />AUGUST 25, 1997 <br />Mayor John called the budget workshop to order at 5:30 p.m. at the Lake Elmo Fire Hall. PRESENT: <br />Dunn, John, Conlin, DeLapp, Fire Chief Sachs (departed 7:30 p.m.), Administrator Kueffner and Finance <br />Director Banister. ABSENT: Councilor Hunt. <br />Marilyn Banister presented an updated (thru 7/31/97) income and expense along with the 1998 proposed <br />budget. General Property Taxes ($1,188,186) is the amount of the city's Levy Limit which means that is <br />the most we can certify for the 1998 Budget. The levy limit is on for only two years. The actual tax levy <br />went up 3%. However the total budget went up 6%. The difference being license, permits, police fines and <br />other city charges increased by 3%. Marilyn pointed out that the month of December is the worst month to <br />hold a hearing if you want people to attend. <br />The Council asked Marilyn to send a letter to Senator Laidig and Representative Larsen protesting a <br />December hearing, the City incurring the expense and suggest the Truth and Taxation Hearing be held in <br />the first two weeks of November. <br />Page 2: CAPITAL OVERLAY AND PERSONAL SERVICES: <br />Capital overlay and personal services are high. Proposed 4% salary increases. Did not budget for a full- <br />time person and two raises were given out at $1.50/Hr. which equals $6,000. After raises for 1997, we will <br />be $8,000 over. With all the new developments, the Maintenance Foreman feels he needs another full-time <br />person, but the City may look at contracting additional services. As a result, cost could be looked at to <br />justify another maintenance employee. <br />Newsletter figure ($7,500) is low—cost will be higher because it is done monthly. Advertisement would <br />offset costs. Councilor Dunn stated the newsletter looks pretty, but should put in what's happening in city; <br />such as overlay of streets to forewarn people. <br />Professional Services: <br />There is no Community Opinion Survey in 1998. Councilor DeLapp suggested asking Baytown if they <br />want to share. This is the only way to find out what people want. Councilor Conlin felt philosophical <br />questions should be asked for working on the 1998 comprehensive plan. ACTION TAKEN: The Council <br />moved the $4,000 Community Opinion Survey into 1998. <br />LEGAL SERVICES: <br />Discussion on Baytown Annexation: Mayor John asked if the City Council will support Baytown in <br />defending a principle keeping the area rural? Councilor DeLapp said he was willing to spend up to <br />$150,000. Councilor Conlin felt as far as consolidation cost it is justifiable. As far as the 235 acres, where <br />is the benefit to Lake Elmo? After the Municipal Board, we will have to deal with property owners making <br />some demands and don't know if it is worth it. Councilor Dunn asked what could we do to lower the <br />attorney fees? Councilor Conlin suggested costs be reduced by the steps the staff recommended: make the <br />developer pay through pass-thru, review reports be written for packet, when there is a light agenda the <br />attorney does not need to attend, Councilor DeLapp stated what the staff saves on attorney fees could go to <br />salaries. ACTION TAKEN: Decrease legal from $80,000 to $70,000. <br />Prosecution Costs: The Council felt prosecution costs were out -of -line and asked if criminal prosecution <br />could be separated and put out for bids. Following discussion, the Council asked that putting out for bids <br />for criminal prosecution be added to the next meeting. <br />