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ENGINEERING SERVICES: There was discussion on reducing cost to $50,000 from $70,000. Banister <br />reported that most engineering work or projects are pass-thru costs. The water meter bill has not come in <br />as yet, therefore the actual cost for engineering will be higher. The Administrator will ask for a quote for <br />work from the engineer from now on when the Council requests the engineer to proceed with a project. <br />The Finance Director was asked to identify expenses for 1996 in order to find out if the cost is for many <br />projects or several large projects. (See attached). ACTION TAKEN: $10,000 was put in to cover <br />engineering expenses incurred to work on the 1998 comprehensive plan and $10,000 for Baytown <br />annexation costs. <br />CONFERENCES AND SCHOOLS: <br />The Council combined the individual line items into one line of $11,000 to give each one equal <br />opportunity. Requests will be made to the Administrator for approval with a report given to the Council by <br />the individual attending the conference. ACTION TAKEN: $11,000 for Conferences and Schools. <br />Questions on dues and memberships: The following list was given: League of MN Cities: $3,000; Metro <br />East $500, Sensible Land Use $125, Stillwater Area Chamber $575, Municipals, MN Management Assoc. <br />Councilors Dunn and DeLapp suggested the City eliminate Metro East and Stillwater Area Chamber <br />because they did not see any benefit to the City. <br />Building Inspector: Truck expense is for gas. <br />Fire Department: Workman's Comp. is based on population. <br />Fire State Aid Line/City Contribution: (bottom of Page 3) Delete City Contribution. <br />Animal Control: The Administrator will be making a recommendation for the Council meeting. <br />Recycling Program: Banister pointed out the $55,000 figure is low, may have to add an additional $20.000. <br />Councilor DeLapp felt this was excessively high --maybe recycling should be twice a month. Administrator <br />Kueffner made a suggestion that waste haulers can charge a flat fee for recycling. <br />PARKS: Change the 5-Year CIP because regarding Stonegate Park will cost $40,000-$50,000. <br />PUBLIC WORKS: The Council asked the Administrator review the costs of the Maintenance crew having <br />each a cell phone, pager, radios in their vehicle with the Foreman receiving $25/month and the crew <br />receiving $10/mo. It was suggested they each get a phone and see what the individual City related cost for <br />calls would be. <br />Street Lights: Councilor DeLapp resented having to pay $11,000 for other people's streetlights. There <br />should be a way to assess people for lights. <br />The Council requested the Budget stay at maximum for hearing: General Property Taxes: $1,188,186. <br />This is as high as the City could go. Council can lower at meeting. The Council scheduled December 3, <br />1997 for the Budget Hearing, and this date will be confirmed at the September 2"d Council meeting. <br />The Council adjourned the workshop at 8:30 p.m <br />