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08-05-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-05-97 CCM
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A Comprehensive Plan for the I-94 Corridor which will extend to the year 2105 is being prepared by the <br />City. Changes to the existing policies will require an amendment to the existing policies, which were <br />adopted in 1992. A Research and Development Designation may be considered for this site which may <br />include additional uses. <br />The City received a letter from George Burkards, United Properties, indicating his understanding that in the <br />very near future United Properties is willing to work with the City on an ordinance to expand the current <br />permitted uses section to include research and development uses, which would include but not be limited <br />to, companies with uses currently not in the permitted use section but would be in keeping with a high <br />quality business park campus environment. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to adopt Ordinance No. 9712, An Ordinance rezoning 120 acres for United <br />Properties to Business Park from Rural Residential based on the rezoning is in accordance with our Future <br />Land Use Map and a favorable recommendation from the Planning Commission and that the City send a <br />letter indicating they in no way agree to letter of July 14, 1997 from George Burkards, United Properties. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />The City Administrator will take the Ordinance for Research and Development and put together a good <br />definition. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt — to postpone E, F, G, I, J, 9. City Council Reports (spot zoning on 10`' St.), 10. City <br />Administrator's Report. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp —to move Item E. Overview of Railroad Right -of -Way for discussion. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />E. Lighting Ordinance (DRAFT) <br />F. PCS Tower Ordinance (DRAFT) <br />G. Amendment to Shoreland Ordinance <br />H. Overview of Railroad Right -of -Way <br />L Planning Commission size, quorum, and appointments to fill vacancies. <br />H. Overview of Railraod Right -of -Way <br />Planner Terwedo prepared a map indicating the railroad property through the City in order to determine <br />how much extra right-of-way may be along the main spurline. There are small areas south of the 3M <br />property, the Animal Inn, and some through the Tablyn Park area. The only areas in the Old Village are the <br />properties owned by Mr. Johnson. Terwedo prepared a very rough draft of an ordinance establishing a <br />transportation and utility zone in the Village Area. The subject of commercial storage in these areas may <br />be an issue. <br />Attorney Filla explained no property could be developed in the City that is not consistent with the <br />ordinances. This property is in limbo —it has no zoning, there is no stated use for this property. What can <br />occur here is what is already there and considered a non -conforming use. You can use it, but you can't <br />expand or improve it without regulations. The City should be cautious about legitimizing a strip of land to <br />some type of development in this area. <br />Steve Johnson indicated this right-of-way has public access for access to the buildings where none of the <br />other parcels have access to City streets. The main purpose is to create a parking lot and solve the current <br />parking problem and renovate the structural integrity of the building that is currently there. Johnson said he <br />is not changing the use in anyway because it's been storage since 1903. <br />Councilor DeLapp suggested the City determine what the railroad has to have for land (referring to the <br />right-of-way on the railroad tracks) and rezone the land outside those bounds compatible with adjacent land <br />uses. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES August 5, 1997 <br />
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