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B. Preliminary Plat— The Hamlet of Sunfish Lake <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a preliminary plat and plan for the development of 41 single family and <br />attached single family residential dwelling units. Modifications from concept plan: <br />1, The center greens are narrower and the development has shifted east to provide for larger open space <br />area on the east. <br />2. The entrance road has been modified to reflect concerns of the neighbors. <br />3, Lot 1, Blk 1 has been changed form attached single family to a single family home. <br />Jack Buxell explained they have made an attempt to work through issues regarding the use of Sunfish Lake, <br />buffering and adjusting the lots and open space as requested by the neighbors and the City. The 41 homes <br />accessing the lake with one dock uses the lake far less than 7 homes on the lake. If there were anything <br />built along the water, they would have to come to the City and the DNR for approval. <br />M/S/ Hunt/DeLapp — to approve Case No. SUB/97-36, a Preliminary Plat and Plan for the Hamlet of <br />Sunfish Lake based on the findings and that the plan reflects approved concept plan with the stated <br />conditions as attached to the City Planner's Report. <br />M/S/F Conlin/Dunn — to amend the motion to include Condition #9 The Homeowners Assoc. enter into an <br />agreement with the City that the picnic area as defined would provide picnic tables and a single dock and <br />preserve the natural area. (Motion failed 2-3:Hunt, John, DeLapp). <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to approve Case No. SUB/97-36, a preliminary Plat and Plan based on the findings <br />and that the plan reflects approved concept plan with the stated conditions as attached to the City Planner's <br />Report. (Motion passed 4-1:Dunn:Too tight of a density, 41 lots in this area, this area has not been looked <br />at for sensitivity to the park and Sunfish Lake. Concern on environment and the common drainfield, lack <br />of defined area for picnic tables and dock, and the OP ordinance needs to be reviewed and changed.). <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to approve a Conditional Use Permit for the attached single family homes with the <br />stated conditions. (Motion passed 4-]:Dunn). <br />C. Minor Subdivision (Lot Line Adjustment): Gaylen Springborn <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a minor subdivision (lot line adjustment) request by Gaylen Springborn <br />for two existing parcels of record. The minor subdivision will create a 7.84 acre parcel of land with an <br />existing legal nonconforming 10,230 sq.ft. accessory building and a 8.97 acre parcel. Mr. Springborn plans <br />to sell the west parcel (Parcel A) and move into his parents home on the north side of the property. The <br />east parcel (Parcel B) will need to be combined with the rest of the Springborn Farm. <br />The City received a letter from Diane Sessing, 5699 Keats Avenue N., indicating her disapproval of the <br />City making an exception to the rule and allowing Mr. Springborn a non -conforming accessory building on <br />7.84 acre parcel. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to approve Case No. SUB/97-40 a minor subdivision for two existing parcels of record <br />requested by Gaylen Springborn based on the stated findings and the five conditions and direct the staff to <br />prepare a resolution approving a Minor Subdivision (Lot Line Adjustment) for Gaylen Springbom. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Ordinance rezoning 120 acres to Business Park from Rural Residential <br />Planner Terwedo reported this is a request by the City for a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone a 120 acre <br />parcel of land from RR (Rural Residential) to BP (Business Park) to reflect the Comprehensive Plan <br />policies as adopted in 1992. This change reflects the land use designation for the property as provided in a <br />Comprehensive Plan amendment adopted by the Council on October 6,1992. In 1995 sanitary services <br />were extended to the site. These services were provided from the WONE interceptor, which provides <br />service to Woodbury and Oakdale. The City is anticipating development on a portion of this site in the <br />near future. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES IAugust 5, 1997 <br />