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09-16-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-16-97 CCM
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4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL/INOUIRIES: None <br />5. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Road Striping <br />Tom Prew reported he received a bid and road striping will start next week which includes Lake Jane Trail <br />A member from the Uniform Traffic Control Advisors committee informed Prew that there is a change in <br />the policy on striping local roads. The standard skip stripe doesn't meet a passing zone warrant and <br />shouldn't be striped that way. There are a number of roads that has this skipped stripe. In the future all <br />roads which are striped should be done in strict conformance with passing/no-passing zone requirements. <br />This means that most local streets in Lake Elmo which now have a single skip stripe will need to have a <br />solid double yellow stripe instead. <br />6. PARKS/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />A. Stonegate Trail: Parks Commission recommendation on Phase III of Stonegate <br />Planner Terwedo reported the Parks Commission recommended accepting $17,000 and trail grading of <br />Phase II as stated in original Developer's Agreement. The commission did not want to take land instead of <br />money because they did not see any advantage of taking land --only if they were going to do a nature center. <br />The land has been under water for weeks and once all the houses are in the runoff with the fertilizer off the <br />lawns will go into the lake and the City will have no control over that. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Conlin — to accept the $17,000 and trail grading of Phase II as stated in original developer's <br />agreement. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Stonegate Park Grading: Parks Recommendation <br />It was the consensus of the Parks Commission that the bids submitted for Stonegate Park grading were <br />unacceptable. The bids were twice the estimated amount submitted by the City Engineer. Due to the high <br />bids, it is not feasible to accomplish all phases in the development of Stonegate Park this year. <br />Commission members agreed having the site graded is a priority. The Parks Supervisor felt if the site was <br />graded the Parks and Public Works employees could complete the remaining phases and he was requested <br />to obtain price quotes without going through a bidding process on site grading only. Once cost estimates <br />are presented and reviewed by the Parks Commission, the Commission will then make a recommendation <br />to the City Council. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to reject the bids for grading Stonegate Park because they were exceptionally high <br />and double the City Engineers estimate. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Councilor DeLapp stated that since we have 20'r-o-w he suggested the path meander and be made more <br />interesting. This suggestion will be brought to Mike Bouthilet's attention by the City Planner. <br />M/S/P Dunn/Hunt — to amend the agenda and add discussion of water problem on Legion Avenue because <br />residents on Legion Avenue were in attendance to voice concern over the additional runoff they <br />experienced that day. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />PUBLIC INQUIRIES: <br />Tim Welsh, 2995 Legion Avenue, reported the drainpipe from the Heritage Farms development drains <br />water into his yard and down Legion Avenue. <br />City Engineer, Tom Prew explained a heavy rain caused minor flooding to some of the yards on the north <br />end of Legion Avenue. The developer had graded their plat in accordance with the approved grading plan. <br />However, the City had not reconstructed 301h Street as planned, and therefore the storm sewers, which <br />could have carried this additional area, were not in place. The public works dept. can put in a culvert to <br />drain water under 30`" Street and into Reid Park. Mayor John stated the City never intended to drain water <br />down Legion Avenue and if we don't get an adequate solution we have to find a means of protection. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 <br />
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