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09-16-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-16-97 CCM
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M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to direct the City Engineer and Maintenance crew investigate the water problem on <br />Legion Avenue with all possible speed to implement the solution and resolve the problem as soon as <br />possible. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Al Henning, 2921 Legion Avenue, asked who sets the grades? Now the house behind him in the Heritage <br />Development is 6' above grade. Prew will check the grading plan to make sure they are following the <br />submitted plan. Also there is a new stake 20' west into his property and would like that checked out. Jim <br />McNamara, Building Official, stated he does not check on the grades when he makes inspections. <br />Molly Winkels stated this is a delicate area and asked if Legion Pond has been evaluated as to how much <br />water the pond could hold. Prew responded the Herzfeld property does not increase water to Legion Pond, <br />but should go to Reid Park. <br />The City Engineer will send residents in area a letter of the progress resolving the problem. <br />7. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. (1). Minor Subdivision: Richard Wicka/Frauenshuh Companies and the Northland Properties c/o <br />United Properties (George Burkards). <br />This is a request by Richard Wicka/Frauenshuh Companies and Northland Properties/United Properties for <br />a minor subdivision of a 102.29 acre parcel of land into two parcels of approximately 91.84 acres and 10.45 <br />acres. The property is located on the southeast corner of Inwood Avenue and Hudson Blvd, in the BP, <br />Business Park Zoning District. <br />Attorney Filla recommended the Council take action on the minor subdivision and set aside a process for <br />coming to some reasonable conclusion with the developer on a park dedication fee for this property. It <br />would be better to take the entire project into consideration and take a look of what they are providing on <br />site that would fit into the recreational dedication provision so that the credit apply uniformly throughout <br />the development instead of looking at a parcel by parcel basis. If you look at the overall site, the City may <br />want a combination of land and money that is a reasonable dedication. This will have to be resolved before <br />the City can record the resolution. <br />George Burkards explained when he talked to the City staff they talked about a park and park trail system <br />where there is a stream through the property and into the culvert, but we have not gone into detail. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to adopt Resolution No. 97-49, A Resolution granting a minor subdivision to <br />Richard Wicka/Frauenshuh Companies and the Northland Properties c/o: United Properties (George <br />Burkards); conditioned upon a park dedication fee of 3% (maximum) of the value of land or cash or <br />combination to be negotiated by City staff with the Developer/Landowner and agreement approved by the <br />City Council, a utility easement conveyed to City prior to construction of building based on the Findings in <br />the City Planner's report and the recommendation for approval by the Planning Commission. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />(2) Site and plan Review: East Metro Health, 60,000 sq.ft. medical office building <br />Richard Wicka, Fruenshuh Company, provided a plan for a medical office building that will contain <br />various medical offices and clinic uses. The proposal includes a 60,000 sq.ft. medical office building with <br />248 parking spaces to serve the structure. The building materials include brick with tinted glass. The <br />proposal is Phase I of a two phase project. Phase II will have an additional 220 spaces. Two signs are <br />proposed for the site; an entrance sign along Hudson Blvd. (9' in height with a total sign area of 20.5 sq.ft.) <br />and a wall sign will be placed on the south elevation of the structure (case letters will be 3' in height with a <br />total sign area of 60 sq.ft.). A lighting plan has been submitted and all lighting distribution will be <br />contained on site. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 <br />
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