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Animal Control: <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp to direct the staff to review policy for animal control and recommend any changes. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />Recycling: <br />Administrator Kueffner explained the City could bill residents for recycling because Cindy now has <br />everyone on-line or the hauler could bill accordingly. The Administrator will research and get back to the <br />Council. DeLapp reminded the Council that this is a service the residents do get. <br />B. Reimbursement for Fire Department runs to Lake Elmo Park Reserve <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to direct the staff to bill Washington County for Fire Department services in the <br />Lake Elmo Park Reserve for 1995, 1996 to cover the costs of the Fire Department. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Do we get a cut from county tickets in the Lake Elmo Parks Reserve. Administrator Kueffner will look <br />into the tickets the Deputies write in the park and feels this is similar to the Fire Department. <br />Councilor Dunn reported the alarm keeps going off from one to two times a week on the off -site septic <br />system in her area and asked for a list of people who she can call in an emergency. <br />C. The Council adjourned the meeting at 11:10 p.m. <br />Resolution No. 97-49 Granting a minor subdivision to Richard Wicka/Frauenshuh Co. and the Northland <br />Properties/George Burkard conditioned upon park dedication fee <br />Resolution No. 97-50 approving Final Plat of Tamarack Farm Estates <br />Resolution No. 97-51 approving Final Plat of the Hamlet of Sunfish Lake <br />Ordinance No. 9716 amending Section 325.05 & 325.06 Shoreland Classifications <br />Ordinance No. 9717 amending Section 1350 lighting <br />Ordinance No. 9718 amending Section 1405.07 width of driveways in the Residential Estates Zoning <br />District <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 <br />