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H. Zoning Text Amendment, Lighting Ordinance <br />As directed by the City Council, a subcommittee was established, consisting of Ed Stevens, Margaret <br />Carlson, Tom Armstrong, to study and prepare a lighting ordinance for the City. Ed Stevens contacted the <br />International Dark Association who provided the City with information. The Committee also used a model <br />ordinance from the City of Northfield. The DRAFT ordinance regulates lighting in the City, specifically, <br />free-standing light fixtures. The New England Light Pollution Advisory Group and the International Dark <br />Sky Association will be included with each building permit application. At the September 8th meeting, the <br />Planning Commission held a public hearing and recommended the Council approved the amended <br />ordinance. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to adopt Ordinance No. 9717, An Ordinance amending Section 1350 of the 1997 <br />Municipal Code relating to lighting, glare control and exterior lighting standards including the guide to <br />"Good Neighbor Outdoor Lighting, May 1995" and the building official will review residential for lighting <br />compliance. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />I. Update on discussion with Jane Harper <br />Planner Terwedo discussed transfer of development rights with Jane Harper, Washington County, and she <br />will find out how to start the process. <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John attended the reception for Superintendent Macy, S.A.H.S, and talked to two school board <br />members (one was Melva Radtke) who did not support dense housing across from the high school. <br />The Administrator, Planner and Mayor met with the Community Development Committee of the Met. <br />Council on the proposed annexation of 235 acres of Baytown Township by Oak Park Heights and felt the <br />committee wasn't sympathetic toward Lake Elmo and Baytown and would recommend that the area be <br />annexed to Oak Park Heights. <br />Councilor Hunt asked that the City Administrator set a workshop with the Maintenance Dept. and City <br />Council to discuss issues and concerns. A public meeting on I-94 will be held on November 3rd. Hunt <br />suggested a workshop to discuss how to implement and prepare for public discussions and extend an <br />invitation to our neighbors for this meeting. <br />Councilor Dunn indicated she didn't know the water agreement between Lake Elmo and Oakdale for along <br />I-94 was temporary and after 5 years Oakdale has to give Lake Elmo a one-year notice. <br />Councilor DeLapp pointed out the sign for Metro Health is seven times smaller than Torre Pines sign. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />Executive Session after the adjournment of Council meeting. <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Follow-up to 1998 Budget Workshop <br />Prosecution services: <br />M/S/F Conlin/DeLapp —to direct the staff to prepare a R.F.P. for prosecution services. (Motion failed 1- <br />4:John, Dunn, DeLapp didn't know the City didn't have an RFP existing, thought we did this every year, <br />Hunt felt it will take time to prepare an RFP, he likes the continuity of having Attorney Filla for seven <br />years.) <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 16, 1997 6 <br />