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10-21-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-21-97 CCM
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Dr. Baillie (applicant) stated that he had talked with the neighbors and told them he would put up <br />parking signs that should ease the impact on the residential area. Said the hazardous substances <br />are regulated by State agency and also disposed of through a local agency (in Lake Elmo on <br />Highway 5), the rear door would be used for staff as an entrance/exit, not for patient use, said <br />there is room behind the building for additional parking. Said the animals that would need to be <br />contained overnight would most likely be quiet as they would be sedated. Cited the letter from <br />close neighbor at his other clinic, which supports his theory of no noise problems. <br />Councilor Dunn asked what he was going to do inside the building that would aid in the reduction <br />of noise. Dr. Baillie replied that the interior of the building needed to be completely re -done and <br />additional insulation would be installed. <br />Administrator Kueffner requested adding two additional conditions of approval is; 1) no outside <br />kennels be allowed, 2) proper disposal of any deceased animals be adhered to and they be taken <br />off -site. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin — to approve Case No. CUP/97-56 and direct the City Attorney prepare <br />Resolution No. 97-54 with the following conditions granting a conditional use permit for a <br />vet clinic located at 3417 Lake Elmo Avenue. <br />1) Any complaints of barking dogs shall be reviewed by City Council, The City <br />can revoke the permit if barking dogs are a nuisance to the neighborhood. <br />2) A solid wood fence shall be constructed along the south and east border of the <br />property to screen the site from adjacent neighbors, <br />3) The parking area shall be improved and designated with appropriate signage, <br />4) Any signage shall meet the sign ordinance requirements, <br />5) The septic system shall be inspected by the City Engineer, <br />6) No signage shall be located on the south side of the building, <br />7) No outside kennels are allowed, <br />8) Proper disposal of any deceased animals is adhered to and they are taken off - <br />site. <br />(Motion Passed 4-1). Opposed, John — Too close to a residential area. <br />7.F Conditional Use Permit,10824 Hudson Blvd., Karen and Glen Lownsberry <br />City Planner Pung-Terwedo reviewed her staff report as a request for a CUP to operate a kennel <br />business located at 10824 Hudson Blvd. Recently, this has been used as a multi -family dwelling. <br />After staff report review, she said the proposal is consistent with AG uses and the site can <br />accommodate the use. <br />Administrator Kueffner requested that only one, single family dwelling be occupied, not what is <br />currently occupied by 3-4 families. Mrs. Lownsberry said the only person who would live in the <br />home would be the caretaker, and no intentions of anyone else living there. There will be no <br />breeding of dogs at this site. <br />Councilor DeLapp expressed his concern regarding fire safety within the kennel area. <br />Lake Elmo City Council 10/21/97 <br />
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