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M/S/P Hunt/Dunn — to approve Case No. CUP/97-55 an direct the C.ty Attorney to prepare <br />Resolution No. 97-55 with the following conditions granting a conditional use permit for a <br />kennel business at 10824 Hudson Blvd. <br />1. The septic system shall be inspected and upgraded if necessary, <br />2. One sign is allowed. The sign shall be a freestanding sign and no larger than 10 <br />sq. ft. with a maximum height of 6 ft. The perimeter of the sign shall be <br />landscaped, <br />3. A waste disposal plan shall be submitted to the City, <br />4. Any complaints of barking dogs shall be reviewed by the City council. The City <br />can revoke the permit if barking dogs are a nuisance to the neighborhood, <br />5. The conditional use permit is for a 70 dog run and grooming services, any <br />changes to the permit will require an amendment to this CUP, <br />6. The Minnesota Board of Animal Health shall review and approve the plan. <br />Written approval shall be submitted to the City, <br />7. The addition as shown on the site plan shall be consistent with the architectural <br />integrity of the structures <br />8. No kennels shall be located in any of the accessory buildings, <br />9. Fire Department shall review the site, <br />10. One single family shall occupy the residence. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />7.G Amendment to CUP, Vali-Hi Drive In: Robert J. O'Neil <br />City Planner Pung-Terwedo reviewed her staff report and said she found the proposed accessory <br />structure is to be located to the rear of the site and will not be highly visible, the building is <br />necessary to secure the maintenance machinery, and the Vali-Hi Drive is a community landmark. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt — to approve Case No, CUP/97-56 and direct the City Attorney to <br />prepare Resolution No. 97-56 with the following conditions granting an amendment to a <br />conditional use permit for Vali-Hi Drive In located at 11260 Hudson Blvd. <br />1. The accessory building shall accommodate maintenance machinery related to <br />the business, <br />2. A list of this machinery shall be submitted to the City, <br />3. There shall be licensed Deputies on duty Fridays, Saturdays and holidays when <br />more than 50 cars are anticipated, <br />4. The owner shall prevent litter from this use to scatter to adjoining property, <br />5. The parking area and drives shall be treated to control dust. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />7.11 DRAFT PCS Ordinance <br />City Planner Pung-Terwedo stated that as directed by the City Council, staff and the Planning <br />Commission have been reviewing, discussing and making modifications to the Draft PCS <br />Ordinance. She asked for comments regarding the latest draft version presented in packets. <br />The Councilors discussed the current draft to the PCS Tower Ordinance and made amendments. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin — to set a public hearing on the PCS Tower Ordinance, as amended. <br />(Motion Passes 3-2). Opposed: Dunn; No PCS Tower in Sunfish Park, not enough facts <br />from PSC, DeLapp; lot sizes, inappropriate location, heights, lighting. <br />Lake Elmo City Council 10/21/07 <br />