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10-21-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-21-97 CCM
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MS/P Hunt/DeLapp — to form a public group with West Lakeland, Baytown and Lake Elmo <br />which will follow the plans of the Airport and how they could influence the MAC and minimize <br />the impact of this reliever airport on the community. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />4.0 Vacancies on Planning Commission and Parks Commission <br />Michael Gralzyk <br />3358 Lake Elmo Avenue North <br />Has been a resident of LE for 10 years, private pilot, tradesman, college grad, concerned that the <br />"old village" area become more pedestrian friendly, likes small town atmosphere. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt — to appoint Michael Gralzyk, 3358 Lake Elmo Avenue North as the second <br />alternate to the Planning Commission. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />Kent E. Dubbe <br />9710 53'd Street North <br />Resident, personal interest in volunteering service, involved in strategic planning, BS and MA in <br />Management and Strategic Planning, concerned with short and long term goals of the Parks in Lake <br />Elmo. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to appoint Kent E. Dubbe, 9710 53'a Street North as the second <br />alternate to the Parks Commission. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />4.0 Manning Avenue Connection EAW - Proposed schedule <br />Barb Engle <br />55th Street (Resident from Baytown) <br />It is her understanding that the study was to determine the "need" for the connection. Asked why <br />upgrading the road being proposed should go through a wildlife (DNR protected lake) area. <br />Opposes the manner in which Washington County Public Works Department is conducting this study. <br />Feels they are not environmentally sensitive. Received a letter from WCPWD Octoberl4, 1997, which <br />said they would be on her property October 20, 1997, and that they would take court action if not <br />allowed on their land. Feels there has been strong-arm intimidation tactics. Asks the LE City Council <br />to withdraw their support for this Environmental Study. <br />Mayor John said the proposed study would include the no build is also part of the environmental <br />assessment worksheet. It has not been discarded. In the absence of the work done so far, was only <br />half a study, the full study will say what the impact will be. There are three other alternates. He said <br />he always supports the no build option. Without the full study, the full impact will not be seen. <br />Councilor DeLapp asked that it be noted that the Lake Elmo City Council did not support the $45M , <br />the Mayor wrote a letter (not on City Letterhead). Mayor John said he wrote the letter, not from City <br />of Lake Elmo. <br />Councilor Hunt suggested that since the Highway 5 and Highway 36 intersection is adequate, why <br />add another major intersection with Highway 36. <br />Lake Ehno City Council Meeting 10/21/97 2 <br />
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