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Administrator Kueffner stated she had attended the County Board meeting, which ended in a split <br />vote, but they did vote to continue the study to determine once and for all, if it was environmentally <br />feasible. Said the environmental impact is huge. Asked what will happen 5 or 10 years down the line <br />and there is an incomplete study. The County Board made the decision to go along with this <br />expenditure, not Mayor John. Stated Molly Shodeen (DNR) is currently working on this issue, as <br />well, but this won't happen overnight. Said the reason this is on the agenda is so that the people can <br />keep "hammering away" at this issue. Will invite the Washington County Public Works Director to <br />the next City Council Meeting in order to discuss how his staff has reacted to the residents. <br />Mr. Eilers <br />Supports the logic, in terms of having a complete study. Concerns about the way the study is being <br />conducted, i.e.; `fox open or close the hen house door". The person who heads the study did not see <br />the land, only looked at maps. Feels she is not suitable for major highway development. Said she is <br />too busy. Since study has been started, mandated doing what ever she wants to do, including calling <br />and threatening his flange, and how they will be going on the land. Feels they should have been <br />talking with the Engles. Said she does not have a clue as to what is really going on in the area. <br />Concerns about the competency of how the study is being set up. Feels a true environmental study <br />should be done by an agency with no vested interests in whether the project goes through or doesn't <br />go through. Said the Highway department was studying something that is worded with the help of <br />their a consulting agency who said at a workshop "by just simply shying roads, this compensates <br />everybody for the environmental issues ". Said this was crazy thinking. Said the spill over of salt for <br />one winter, to make the road safe, could effect the wetland. Bothers him that we are spending money <br />to have somebody who is not competent do an environmental study to prove that therefore, they <br />should go ahead. Wants the County to hire an independent agency to do the environmental study. <br />Carol Palmquist <br />12202 55t' Street North <br />Baytown <br />Has a lack of trust for the Public Works Representatives. <br />The City Administrator said she believes Mr. Wisnewski should be accountable for what his staff has <br />done, and include verbatim minutes of this section of the meeting. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to staff be directed to send verbatim minute section to Mr. Wisnewski <br />and invite him to the next City Council meeting to respond to some of the criticism his <br />Department has received from the public and to discuss the process. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />Administrator Kueffner said she wants to publish the proposed schedule of upcoming meetings <br />relating to the Manning Avenue Connection EAW in the City newsletter so the public can continue to <br />monitor this what is happening. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to direct staff to publish the proposed EAW workshop schedule in the <br />City Newsletter. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />Lake Elmo City Council Meeting 10/21/97 3 <br />