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10-21-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-21-97 CCM
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Councilor DeLapp asked staff for cost analysis on implementing holding tanks vs. not. <br />M/S/P Dunn/DeLapp — to postpone until the November 4, 1997 City Council meeting. <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />Councilor Conlin suggested the developers be assessed for the costs to further analyze these <br />Wetland treatment Systems. <br />5.1) Money for auto -dialer alarm system. <br />City Engineer Prew said he had talked with City Finance Director Marilyn Banister, and was told <br />it was OK to get the money from another fund and should not postpone purchase. <br />6. PARKS/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT/FIRE DEPARTMENT <br />6.A Staff review on damage oak at driveway: Ed Stevens,10133 47t6 Street North <br />Councilor Hunt asked if the City could make a determination of responsibility for the oak tree <br />dying. Administrator Kueffner said staff did not pursue that avenue after in was determined the <br />tree was not on the City right-of-way and it is not the City's responsibility. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt — to advise Mr. Stevens that the dying Oak Tree referenced in his letter <br />of October 9, 1997, is not on City property and therefore, removal of the tree is the <br />responsibility of the property owner. <br />(Motion Passed 4-1) Opposed; DeLapp. <br />7.A Continuation of Open Space Concept Plan: Brockman Property <br />City Planner Pung-Terwedo said it was determined that the open space development concept plan <br />presented provides adequate street access to the properties to the east and no additional <br />modifications to the plan are necessary. Introduced a memo (attached) from Tim Freeman, who <br />is representing the east boundary property owner. <br />Mike Gair, Land Planner agreed to a traffic -calming device within the development, which will <br />be reflected at the preliminary plat stage. <br />The councilors discussed their concerns regarding "flag lots". Councilor Conlin said we do not <br />allow flag lots in other zoning districts and is opposed to them here. Councilor DeLapp expressed <br />his support for flag lots in general and also in this development. Mr. Gair asked if the new road <br />standards would apply to this development. Mayor John said "no". <br />M/S/P Delapp/Hunt — to approve Case No. OPC/97-49 to include the following conditions: <br />1. A landscaped island shall be incorporated into the cul-de-sac, <br />2. City Engineer recommendations from letter dated September 18, 1997, <br />3. Parks Commission shall review the proposed park, <br />4. Traffic calming measure is implemented. <br />(Motion Passed 4-1). Opposed: Conlin, flag lots. <br />BREAK at 9:10 p.m. <br />Lake Elmo City Council 10/21/97 <br />
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