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10-21-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-21-97 CCM
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4.D Consolidation Study — Update <br />Administrator Kueffner reported she had sent letters to all that were in attendance at the joint Lake <br />Elmo/Baytown meeting that did not sign up for a committee. Said she feels the need is there for <br />more representation from Lake Elmo. Said there was a 511 ratio of Baytown representatives vs. Lake <br />Elmo representatives. Said the Fire Department was pulling together their plan, taking trial runs, <br />Mayor John said he too, was disappointed at the number of Lake Elmo residents that attended the <br />meeting. Administrator Kueffner said she had been in contact with Washington County Sheriffs <br />Office, and that things were "off & running." Said it will all fit together and they break up into small <br />groups. Some will get copies of the comprehensive plan, some zoning information and try to work <br />out an agenda Suggest appointment their own chair and set their own meetings which could occur <br />City Hall, hangars at LE Airport of Fire Hall. Also, Jim Gelbman would be attending the next <br />meeting. <br />Councilor DeLapp said there were about 70 people from Baytown and 15 people from Lake Elmo. If <br />we are going to have a balanced committee, more from Lake Elmo must respond. <br />Administrator Kueffner suggested the Commission members from Lake Elmo, who may have <br />expertise in these areas would be a good resource for communicating. <br />Councilor Hunt said a "booklet" could be published which detailed the process and may be very <br />informative to residents. <br />5. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />5.A Janero Avenue Feasibility Report <br />City Engineer Prew said the costs for this project is high. Said this is currently a private road <br />and residents need to donate the right-of-way for this winter plowing. Clarified the meeting date <br />with the residents is Wednesday, November 5, 1997 at City Hall. <br />Councilor Hunt stated that any City participation on a private road was not appropriate. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to adopt Resolution 97-52 receiving the feasibility report and call a <br />public hearing on improvement of Janero Avenue (from 31" Street South). <br />(Motion Passed 5-0). <br />5.13 Revised Engineering Standards <br />City Engineer Prew reported he has made modifications to the City's Engineering Standards, <br />specifically, the major change is in drawing 707 (taken from City of Lake Elmo Standard Details <br />Index), which would refer to the installation of concrete curb and gutter. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin — to adopt the revised Engineering Standards as proposed by the City <br />Engineer (and direct staff to prepare the corresponding ordinances). <br />(Motion passed 4-1). Opposed; Dunn — no data available on a cost savings. <br />5.0 Wetland Treatment Ordinance <br />City Engineer Prew reviewed the draft ordinance adding Section 720, alternate waste disposal <br />system -wetland treatment system to the 197 Lake Elmo Municipal Code. <br />Lake Elmo City Council 10/21/97 <br />
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