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9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Council member Dunn found the Torre Pines monument sign large and ugly. The information on <br />Grassguard, supplied by Mayor John, is informative. This information should be made available to other <br />commissions. When she was down South, she had seen an open space development where everybody put <br />up large fences (6' high solid wooden fences) around their backyards. She wanted to make sure Lake <br />Elmo's OP ordinance didn't allow these large fences in Open Space developments because this would <br />defeat the purpose of having Open Space. She will be attending the airport meeting on Wednesday at <br />Oakland Jr. High School. <br />Councilor DeLapp saw some changes along Highway 36 that was not in keeping with our Open Space <br />visual aspirations. He talked to Bob Slater; Forester at MnDOT, regarding landscaping options on State <br />roads. The State would be willing to provide fertilizer, trees, etc. to landscape their section of the road. <br />Then the homeowners would participate digging the trees in. Mr. Slater, along with his supervisor, Scott <br />Bradley, would be interested in attending a Council meeting to inform the City the State would <br />incrementally provide the cost for landscaping the state roads in the City and what would be expected from <br />US. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John — to invite Bob Slater and Scot Bradley, MnDOT, to the November 18 meeting for a <br />presentation, if there is room on the agenda, and ask them to provide cost and what would be expected by <br />the City. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: None <br />11. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. League of Minnesota Cities — Proposed 1998 Policies — Postponed to November 18. <br />B. Share planner with Baytown Township - DELETED off agenda. <br />C. Update on request for annexation hearing extension scheduled for November 24, 1997. <br />Administrator Kueffner reported the Municipal Board would consider Lake Elmo's request and Baytown's <br />request for an annexation hearing extension on Friday, November 7, 9 a.m. <br />D. Resignation of Bill Wacker from Maintenance Advisory Committee <br />The City received a letter of resignation from the Maintenance Advisory Committee submitted by Bill <br />Wacker. The resignation became effective October 31, 1997. <br />M/S/P HuntlJohn — to accept the resignation of Bill Wacker from the Maintenance Advisory Committee, <br />and direct the staff to send Mr. Wacker a letter of appreciation for his 26 years of service to the community. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />E. Letter from Metropolitan Council regarding formation of an advisory Committee relative to the <br />South Washington County Interceptors Facility Plan <br />The Council received a letter, dated October 24,1997, from the Metropolitan Council proposing the City <br />designate a Council member and a staff member to this advisory committee. Mayor John volunteered to <br />serve on this Committee. Council member DeLapp stated Todd Williams is interested in serving on the <br />advisory committee as representative from a Lake Elmo group. Administrator Kueffner will ask Tom Prew <br />to serve as a staff member because of his technical background. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1997 <br />