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D. Railroad Right -of -Way <br />Steve Johnson handed out a proposal, dated November 4,1997, for Council review. The Council received a <br />letter dated October 24, 1997 from Attorney Filla indicating it was his understanding that the Council had <br />requested that there be an examination of the impact of development within any or all of the vacated <br />railroad rights -of -way within the City. This issue is not going to be placed back upon the agenda until that <br />evaluation is completed. <br />The parcel on the East Side of County Road 17 abuts three separate zoning districts in the City. The City's <br />zoning regulations indicate that zoning district boundaries extend to the center of streets or railroad rights - <br />of -way. The kinds of variances, which would be required to allow any development of the property or a <br />portion of the property, would depend upon the zoning district in which the buildings would eventually be <br />located or on which parking lots would eventually be developed. <br />Attorney Filla has received a copy of the Quit Claim Deed which was used to convey property from the <br />Union Pacific Railroad Company to Steven and Elizabeth Johnson, but was not provided with any other <br />evidence of title. Attorney Filla asked Mr. Johnson to submit any information he may have. <br />E. Medical Office Building, For Your Information <br />City Planner Terwedo reported the construction on the Medical Office Building should begin within the <br />month. In discussion with the developer, the full three floors of the building will be constructed as part of <br />Phase I for a total of 60,000 sq.ft. The full face of the structure will be brick. The parking that is proposed <br />for Phase I would be approximately 240 spaces. The developer has agreed that landscape islands will be <br />placed at row 12 as part of the Phase II expansion. <br />F. School House on Berschen Site <br />At its October 27, 1997 meeting, the Planning Commission discussed the Oakdale/Lake Elmo Historical <br />Society schoolhouse. They liked the idea of the schoolhouse being located on the Berschen (City) property <br />of 45" Street and Julep and made a formal motion to recommend the schoolhouse be placed on the <br />property. The Parks Commission will review the request at their November 17 meeting and report back to <br />the Council at their December 2nd meeting. Councilor DeLapp will attend the parks meeting and pass on his <br />reservations on moving the schoolhouse to the Berschen property. He suggested the school be placed in a <br />clustered development. <br />G. TDR and PDR Program Implementation <br />Planner Terwedo reported there will be a forum which will focus on a discussion of the mechanics of <br />implementing PDR and TDR Programs on Friday, November 21, 2-4 p.m. at the Washington County <br />Government Center and suggested that Councilor Lee Hunt and Planning Commission Chair Jim McLeod <br />attend. <br />8. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Recycling Program (postponed to November 18) <br />B. Disbursements of fines for tickets written in Lake Elmo Regional Park <br />(postponed to November 18) <br />C. Flag Lots Background (postponed to November 18) <br />D. Infrastructure assessments in MUSA area: Administrator Kueffner met with Tom Prow to put <br />together the information, but will have to contact Larry Bohrer for his input. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1997 <br />