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11-04-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-04-97 CCM
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B. Don Theisen, Washington County Public Works regarding EAW on County Road 15 <br />After reading the October 21, 1997 Council minutes, Don Theisen indicated the comments made by <br />Baytown residents were unacceptable for the public to have this perception of the Public Works <br />Department. There is a need to communicate with these people, and he will contact them. <br />Don Theisen reported the Washington County Board hasn't decided on an alternative. There is no plan for <br />construction for the next five years. At the most that would happen, would be preserving the right-of-way <br />corridor. Over the years he had questions from the public, or internally. When you look at the County map, <br />it stands out there is a link missing. Whether it's needed or not, that is the purpose of the study. If a <br />corridor is not preserved now, or 20 years from now, land will not be available the way Washington County <br />is developing. <br />C. Valley Branch Watershed District Vacancy <br />Administrator Kueffner encouraged residents to contact City Hall to receive an application for the Valley <br />Branch Watershed District Vacancy. The vacancy will be advertised in the newsletter and on cable. <br />D. Meetings for City Council to call <br />Mayor John and Administrator Kueffner attended the Baytown monthly meeting. The Baytown Board <br />called a joint meeting with the City of Lake Elmo for Monday, November 10, 1997, at 5:30 p.m. to discuss <br />negotiation strategies with the City of Oak Park Heights. The Board also called a joint meeting with the <br />City of Lake Elmo, Oak Park Heights for Monday, November 17, at 7:00 p.m. <br />M/S/P John/DeLapp — to call a joint meeting with the Baytown Board of Supervisors for Monday, <br />November 10, 1997, 5:30 p.m. to discuss negotiation strategies with the City of Oak Park Heights and call <br />a joint meeting with Baytown, and Oak Park Heights for Monday, November 17, 1997 at 7:00 p.m. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: (Deleted off of Consent agenda for Council discussion) <br />A. Resolution adopting Conditional Use Permit for Veterinary Clinic in General Business Zoning <br />District: Applicant: John N. Baille <br />Mayor John voiced his concern there is nothing to indicate in the event that this Vet Clinic, run by Dr. <br />Baille is sold, the City would have another Vet Clinic in that location, possibly with a slightly different <br />focus. That focus may be less acceptable. His initial concern is he didn't want the neighboring properties <br />adversely affected. Attorney Filla explained if a condition is added the Council would have to go through <br />the public hearing process. The Council could include a description of the kind of Vet Clinic that Dr. Baille <br />described. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John — to table Resolution No. 97-54 granting a CUP for Vet Clinic in General Business <br />Zoning District requested by Dr. John Baille to the November 18, 1997 Council meeting for the City <br />Attorney to modify the term Vet Clinic consistent with the definition that was given by the applicant. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Resolution adopting Conditional Use Permit amendment for a concession stand in the General <br />Business Zoning District: Applicant: Vali Hi Drive In Theatre <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John — to table Resolution No. 97-56 granting an amendment to a CUP for a concession <br />stand in the General Business Zoning District until the November 18 Council meting for the City Attorney <br />to amend Section 2.0 (change customer service building to concession stand), Section 4 subject to the <br />conditions stated by the City Planner, Section 6 (B) add December 1, 1997. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1997 <br />
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