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11-04-97 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-04-97 CCM
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M/S/P John/Conlin — to table Resolution No. 97-62 ordering the preparation of feasibility report on the <br />improvement of Hill Trail N. and a legal survey for right-of-way in the area of Hill Trail N/50'" Street. to <br />the November 18 Council meeting to discuss the cost of a legal survey for the right -of-way and if the City <br />Engineer would be able to do it. Staff will present the Council with information about the property dispute. <br />(Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. Ordinance adopting Wetland Treatment Regulations <br />The Council reviewed the Wetland Treatment Draft regulations prepared by Tom Prew. The Council <br />decided to allow the designer to determine the location of septic tanks. That is, not every home would be <br />required to have its own septic tank. Under Section 720.03 Rules, Section A. 7080.0130 Sewage Tanks, <br />the Council deleted "Each dwelling shall have its own sewage tank." Setbacks for location of systems were <br />discussed. A suggestion was made to read "and treatment cells shall be located a minimum of 50 feet from <br />any property line, and 100 feet from any existing or proposed home". The engineer and staff were directed <br />to review the setback requirement. Tom Prow was asked to compare pumping costs for individual and <br />collector system tanks. Who in the City shall receive the rest results of the monitoring plan? <br />M/S/P Conlin/Dunn — to table the DRAFT Wetland Treatment Regulations to the November 18 meeting in <br />order to review the setback limitations and monitoring plan with copies of ordinance sent to all interested <br />parties. (Motion passed 4-0), <br />C. Adoption of Engineering Standards for Streets <br />Attorney Filla recommended that the Engineering Standards for Streets be an appendix to the City Code. <br />Tim Freeman has concerns on use of concrete curbs versus bituminous curbs and will contact the City <br />Engineer. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn — to table adoption of Engineering Standards for Streets until the November 18 <br />meeting to review in detail the concrete curb issue. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />7. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance to septic system regulations permitting a mound system for new <br />construction: Applicant: Donna Herzfeld, Heritage Farm <br />City Planner Terwedo explained this is a request to allow a mound system on Lot 12, Block One, Heritage <br />Farm because a standard system cannot be used. The reserved area has mottled soils at 20" to 30" below <br />the surface. The State Code requires 36" of separation between the bottom of a drainfield trench and the <br />mottled soil or water table. <br />As a certified onsite sewage treatment designer and inspector, Jim McNamara believed the time has come <br />for the City to update the City ordinance and include mound systems for use as initial systems. Over the <br />past 20 years, technology in sewage treatment systems has advanced greatly. Sewage treatment mounds <br />are considered not only an effective method in sewage treatment, but have received approval as an initial <br />system as well. Most areas in Minnesota, including Washington County, accept mounds as a standard and <br />acceptable method of treatment. <br />The Council acknowledged the letter from Tom Prew recommending approval of the variance request <br />based upon the Findings: 1. The developer did extensive testing during the development of this plat. Soil <br />conditions were taken into account when the lots were laid out. 2. The plat was approved assuming an <br />inground system could be placed on each of the lots. This was based upon testing done by the developer <br />and 3. There is adequate area on the lot for an initial and a backup system. <br />Mayor John called the public hearing to order at 10:22 p.m. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 1997 5 <br />
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