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01-20-98 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-20-98 CCM
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M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp — to direct the City Planner, City Engineer and Mayor to attend the meeting on the <br />Corridor Plan for T.H. 36 on February 11, 1998, 3 p.m., at the Washington County Public Works Building <br />conference room. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />5. CONSENT AGENDA: <br />A. Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor License for Oasis Market <br />Twin Cities Stores; Inc., (Oasis Market), has submitted their application for a non -intoxicating off -sale <br />liquor license. The City received their certificate of insurance and their liquor license fee of $150. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Dunn - to approve the 1998 Non -Intoxicating Off -Sale Liquor License for the Oasis Market <br />located at 11025 10`" St. N.; conditioned upon approval by the Washington County Sheriff and County <br />Attorney. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Meeting with Met Council <br />A special meeting has been called for Wednesday, January 21, 1998, 6:30 p.m., City Council Chambers, to <br />discuss the PCS Ordinance (Wireless Telecommunication Tower) and to review with Met Council staff the <br />Regional Blueprint Plan with some emphasis on I-94 Corridor and relating planning issues. This meeting <br />will be cabled and go out live. <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT:None <br />7. MAINTENANCE/PARKS/FIRE:None <br />8. PLANNING. LAND USE, AND ZONING: <br />A. Countryside Wood Products <br />On August 20, 1996, the City Council continued the application for a 7,500 sq.ft. Woodworking <br />shop/office building located at 8603 N. 34"' Street. The applicant, Walt Pechan, agreed to this continuance. <br />Planner Terwedo stated in her August 20, 1996 staff report, there was a drainage issue, and the applicant <br />needed to direct his storm water runoff northeast instead of southeast because the property owner to the <br />south would not grant him the easement. Variances are needed to lot size, lot depth requirements, front <br />building setback, rear parking setback, and front parking setback. A Conditional Use Permit is needed for <br />the woodworking/office building. The applicant has received a utility permit from MnDOT, and a Valley <br />Branch Watershed permit has been issued. <br />The staff was directed to review the following items: <br />1. Office computation versus parking demand. <br />2. Applicant stated building is 10,000 sq.ft., which is the maximum allowed for the 2.5 acre site. The <br />building includes offices and 14 employees. Should the building size be prorated for a smaller lot than <br />allowed by code in the Limited Business District? <br />3. Are the building materials allowed by code for this district? Are these the materials we want to see on <br />I-94? <br />4. A list of hardships, stated by the applicant, is needed. Applicant stated he has submitted a letter listing <br />his hardships, but it was not included in the packet received by Council. <br />5. Councilor DeLapp asked the City Attorney to review the hardships presented and offer his comments. <br />6. Storage/warehouse is not allowed in Limited Business. Should we state inside storage is not allowed <br />in the CUP? <br />7. Clarification of footprint of building is needed. Would like updated drawing of what is being proposed <br />so to review impervious surface coverage calculation and parking requirements based on the new <br />footprint. <br />8. Is a drainage easement required for the outlet pipe from Tauer and/or Anderson referred to as <br />Condition #8 in staff report and referred to in Tom Prew's letter of 5/8/97? This issue needs to be <br />identified. If an easement is needed, it should be filed with the City. <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 20, 1998 <br />
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